Part Eight

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Once the room was cleared Sam rushes over and hugged him tightly as she had missed him dearly,  the embrace was returned by Carlisle who had missed her just as much.  "I am so glad you are alive Sam, I thought your father would have killed you but then I got the news, you as Queen"   He spoke as Sam just held onto him yet Carlisle didn't know if Marcus could be trusted.

"Am I safe to speak freely?" He asked as Sam looks at Marcus then Carlisle with a chuckle. "Yes, he actually never wanted this for me, he wanted me to be happy" she explained as Carlisle nods.  "It is about Ben, he wants to die Sam and he plans on breaking the biggest rule, an immoral child"  this made Sam gasp while shaking her head, Marcus watched as he knew what had to be done.
"Go to him Sam, talk to him, make him see sense" Marcus spoke as Sam shakes her head. "It's been months, he won't want to see me, my father would never let me go" she explained as Marcus smirks.    "No he wouldn't let his Daughter go but his Queen is free to come and go as she sees fit". He reminded her as Sam smiled towards her uncle.

"I am Queen yes, I'll leave at once" she spoke as she ran out using Vampire Speed hoping she wouldn't be too late.

                       Sam's Cabin.

Sam opened the Cabin door slowly hoping and praying that she wasn't to late that Ben hadn't already turned a child.  "Ben?"  She spoke as she stepped in before suddenly being slammed into a wall and held there by her throat.  "You have some nerve! You left for months then think it's okay to just come back!"  Ben growled out as he glares at her.

"Carlisle told me what you were planning! I couldn't let you do something so stupid!" She snapped out yet Ben just laughed. "The Queen come all this way to stop me from breaking a rule, how sweet"  he spoke coldly as he gripped tighter but then suddenly slammed his lips on hers in a hot, fiery kiss which she returned.

She wrapped her legs around his waist as both of Ben's hands now rested on her Arse cheeks while he used his foot to shut the door then carried her to the couch where he laid her down while kissing her, he missed her lips, her touch, everything about her so this was like heaven to him.

His lip broke away from her lips before he smirks down at her. "What does the queen want?" He asked as Sam pulled him down closer by his shirt.  "She wants her mate" she mumbled yet those words were something he wanted to hear so he moved to kiss her neck while his hands traveled up her dress, caressing  everyone inch of her body from her thighs to her stomach before resting his hands on her breasts.

"B..Ben" she breathed out softly as she enjoyed his touch, she longed for it for many months.  "Hmm?" Ben mumbled against her neck as Sam's hands undone his belt to his jeans then tugged them down a little.  "Please don't tease" she moaned out slightly which made him chuckle against her neck then he helped her remove his boxers.
"Don't plan on it" he spoke sliding down her panties before lining himself.

// Next part will include sex//

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