Kiev in Two: Kaito and Kristen

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It was 1918, two years before Russia adopted Natie, and Ukraine was out working in her field. She walked along her crop, watering and fertilizing along the way. "Oww, my back hurts," she complained as she went along. "I wish I could have someone help me with all this work. I miss Russia so much."

While she was working, Ukraine heard some giggling. She stopped her working and looked out over the field. "That's strange, where did that giggling come from?"

In a different part of the field, two little toddlers were playing in the mud. They had been left their in the field by their Mother, who didn't want to worry about children. She just up and abandoned them. Still, being as young as they were, the children smiled and played, unaware that their Mother had left them there. In fact, the two children were twins, with the boy being the oldest and the girl being the younger sibling.

The boy took a handful of mud and rubbed it between his hands while the girl took a chunk of dirt and rubbed it on her shirt. They kept doing so until the girl's stomach began to growl. The boy looked over at his young sibling after hearing the strange noise and concluded that his sister was hungry, yet his Mother wasn't there to feed her. After realizing that, the boy began to cry, causing his sister to do the same thing.

Back at the other side of the field, Ukraine had just finished harvesting the crops. "There, all done," she sighed. Just then, she heard the sound of children crying. Acting on instinct, the Ukrainian dropped her tools and ran towards the crying. She soon came to a stop when she saw two little toddlers crying in the mud. Both of them had platinum hair and blue eyes like her. The only difference was that she wasn't covered in mud like them. "How did you little khloptsi (children) get here? Who would leave you all alone like this?"

That's when the children stopped crying. They looked up at Ukraine and stared at her. For some reason, the boy registered in his mind that this woman was his Mother. He wobbled over towards her and took a fistful of Ukraine's pants. "Mama," he said.

Ukraine was shocked. She did not expect the boy to call her his Mama. "No no little one," Ukraine stated. "I'm not-"

"Mama," the girl interrupted as she went over to Ukraine and clung to her leg.

What do I do now? Ukraine thought. I can't just leave them here.

"Mama, Mama," the twins repeated.

Hearing them repeat that over and over again made Ukraine feel all weird inside. I should at least get them cleaned up. Then I should go look for their real Mother. "All right little ones, let's get you two all cleaned up and a warm meal." Ukraine picked the girl up with her left arm while she picked the boy up with her right arm. Both children snuggled against Ukraine as she walked home.


The twins splashed in the tub that they were in. There were bubbles and soap floating around in the water as Ukraine cleaned the dirt off of them. "I wonder how long you two were out there." The woman started cleaning their pudgy faces with washcloths and began playing with them a bit. "I got you're nose," she giggled as the twins laughed. Then she covered their eyes. "Where did you two go? I can't see you anymore."

The twins laughed and moved the washcloths from their eyes. "Mama," they both said.

Ukraine's smile faded. She knew she wasn't their Mother but how could she explain that to them. Maybe when they see their real Mother then they'll understand.

As she took them out of the tub, she dried them off and then went to her room so she could put some clothes on them. She pulled out some old shirts she use to wear and placed them on the twins.

A few hours later, the twins sat at the table as Ukraine served some soup. "There you two go. Now eat up."

That's when there was a knock at the door. Ukraine got up and went to the door to find a woman on the other side. She looked like she hadn't bathed in weeks.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for two children, twins actually," the woman stated in a gruffy voice. "Have you seen them?"

For some reason, a voice in Ukraine's head was telling her not to tell this woman the truth. "Um, why do you ask?"

"I'm just looking for them."

Something is not right here, Ukraine thought. This woman looks nothing like the children. She can't be their Mother. Or if she is, she doesn't look like she's that concerned to find them. If I were her-

"Mama?" Ukraine and the woman looked to see that the twins were watching from behind a corner. They looked at Ukraine with pleading eyes, as if to say, "Please don't send us away Mommy."

"Those are the ones I was looking for," woman was about to walk into the house to grab them when Ukraine blocked her path.

"You will not go anywhere near them." Ukraine threatened.

"Excuse me? I'm their Mother and-"

"You're a horrible one! Who leaves their children in a field?!" That's when a dark aura surrounded Ukraine. "Come anywhere near them and I swear you will pay."

"Fine!" The woman walked away. "Keep the rotten pests!"

After she left, Ukraine walked over to the twins and picked them up. "I guess I'm your Mama after all."


"Oh, that's right, you two need names don't you?"

The twins stared at the woman in confusion.

"Mmmmm, let's see now......Oh, I know," Ukraine looked at the boy. "How about I name you Kaito," She then looked at the girl. "And you Kristen?"

The two children stared at her for a minute before giggling, meaning they approved of their new names.

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