Amusement Parks

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(A/N: This chapter was based on real events that happened to us.)

Disney World; a place where dreams come true. There, you can act like a kid and no one could blame you for doing so. That was where our beloved capitals were. They had just finished school and their Dads thought it would be a good idea to treat the children to a vacation.

"Okay dudes, we should totally hit the rides right now before the lines get seriously long," America stated. "So let's go!"

"Now wait just a moment America," Britain said. "Why do we have to follow your orders? What if we want to go somewhere else?"

"Oh, does Angleterre want to go see a princess?" France joked.

Britain didn't take the joke lightly. "That's not it all you frog!"

Soon all the grownups were arguing over what to do first. The capitals just watched them argue and then asked each other what they wanted to do. "I've got a plan all laid out," Amelia announced.

"That's great Amelia," Amanda said.

The children walked up to the fighting grownups and then explained their plan.


" 'urry Papa," Allison was pulling on France's hand, trying to get him to move faster. She wanted so badly to meet a princess and they were having a big meet-n-greet with all the princesses outside of Cinderella's castle. Emma was following behind with her Dad, who decided to walk there.

"I'm coming Allison," France told her.

"We 'ave to 'urry Papa, or we'll miss the princesses."

"We won't miss the princesses Allison," Emma insisted.

"We'll get there soon, eh?" Canada said.

Soon Allison saw the castle and ran towards it. Emma decided to run right after her. Allison smiled when she saw Cinderella, Aurora, and all the other princesses. Allison got in the line and waited as she got closer to the princesses. "Hello," Cinderella greeted as she hugged Allison.

"Bonjour," Allison greeted back. "May I get a picture with you madame Cinderella?"

Cinderella giggled before nodding. Allison stood in front of her and a photographer came by to snap a quick photo. He gave it to Allison and then left to get photos of other guests.

That's when Allison saw her Dad talking to the woman dressed as Belle, making her laugh. "Papa," she sighed.

Emma giggled as she and Canada stood next to Aerial. "Say gils," Ariel stated as the camera man took the picture.

"Gils!" Emma and Canada spoke at the same time as the camera snapped the picture.

Meanwhile, at the Seven Dwarfs' Mine Ride, Amanda, Katrina, Rose, and Naomi were standing in line with their Dads. "This is going to be so much fun!" Amanda cried out as the line moved along.

"Amanda-chan, how fast wirr this ride be?" Naomi asked.

"It's gonna go pretty fast. I've seen people throw-up after this ride!"

Naomi gulped at the thought losing her lunch. She got scared after riding in the car with Italy so this was going to be a whole lot worse.

Rose was shaking like a leaf as she stood next to Katrina in line. I'm so scared, She thought. I don't want to tell Katrina though. She wouldn't go on the ride then. I don't want her to miss out on having fun because of me.

Katrina glanced over at Rose and saw her shaking. She's scared of going on the ride, She thought. Should I tell her that ve don't have to ride the ride?

Soon the line moved forward and the four girls were in the mining carts. There was no going back at this point. As the ride moved up the large slope, Naomi and Rose gulped as they reached the top. It seemed like a long time before the ride went down and when it did, so did everyone's stomachs.

Rose screamed as she clung to Katrina's arm. Naomi wasn't fairing so well either; her safety bar didn't go down far enough so Naomi was floating out of her seat at some points and Amanda noticed this so she had to push Naomi back down so she wouldn't fall out of the ride. After many twists and turns, the ride came to a stop and everyone got out. Naomi was swaying back and forth as she tried to regain her balance while Amanda was laughing and talking about riding again. Rose still clung to Katrina's arm as the two walked off the ride.

Meanwhile, at the wildlife preservation center, Chen, Amelia and Natie were looking at the Lions, who were sunbathing.

"Ai-yah, the lions are so lazy aru," Chen stated.

"Well they're being raised in a place where their meals are thrown at them, meaning they don't have to worry about hunting," Amelia explained. "I'd be a little lazy too."

That's when Chen looked over to wher Natie should've been. "Uh, where did Natie go?"

Amelia looked around and gasped when she saw Natie had somehow gotten into the lion enclosure. She was walking towards the lions, who were preparing to pounce on her. "Natie get out of there right now!" Amelia screamed.

The lions soon went to jump on Natie, causing Chen and Amelia to turn away. They closed their eyes as they waited to her Natie scream but were surprised when the big cats ran away from Natie. They looked over to Natie and saw her standing in her spot with a smile that seemed too innocent.

The Russian girl walked over to the others and revealed a set of Mickey Mouse ears. "I dropped my ears da?" She stated.

Yep; just another day at Disney World.

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