London: Amelia

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It was a muggy day in the city of London. The year was 1924. A cold front was coming in, bringing rain with it. Arthur Kirkland was walking through the rain with an umbrella in hand and a drench coat on. He was walking through the streets, trying to get to his favorite library where he could read in peace. 

As he entered the warm building, England found himself surrounded by literature as far as the eye could see. He quickly made his way to the section marked "Fairy Tales and Folklore" and pulled out a book to take to a table.

As he read, he didn't notice a young girl, around the age of 4, walking through the door and entering the library with several books in her bag. She had emerald green eyes, blonde hair in little pigtails, and a pair of glasses on her face. She was in a faded blue dress that had a blue ribbon across the waist. The girl placed the books up on the counter in front of the librarian who smiled at her. 

"Hello there Amelia," the librarian greeted. 

"Good afternoon ma'am," the girl replied as she got a stool so that she could make eye contact with the librarian. "I'd like to return all these please." 

"But you just checked them out last week." 

"I copied down the recipes that looked good." 

The librarian chuckled. For the past few months, the girl would come to the library to get a bunch of cook books so that she could cook for the girls at her orphanage. She was one of the older girls that didn't have to go to school so she learned how to cook so that way the girls would have a good meal before they got home, and so that way the younger children could have a meal as well. 

"Do you have anything new for me to check out?" Amelia asked.

"There are a few new ones in the back. Honestly though Amelia, you need to read these books a little longer before returning them." 

"I know. I just think that it'll help with caring for the other girls if I know how to cook." 

With that, Amelia headed to the back to get her books. She finds the new books for cooking and is delighted to see that there were several recipes that were sure to delight the other children. As she grabbed a whole stack of them, she grabbed a few fairy tale books as well since she read to the younger girls at night as well. They kept telling her to get new ones so she knew she had to. 

As she went to the front desk, she didn't see England getting up. When he slowly got up, he accidentally runs right into the little girl, knocking her, and her books, to the ground. "Oww." she grumbled as she rubbed her bottom. 

"I'm quite sorry love," England apologized. He looked at Amelia and saw that she was trying to pick the books up by herself. "Here love, let me help you with that." 

"No thanks," she bluntly said. "I can do it myself." 

"Being the gentleman I am, I insist that I help you." He helped place the books in her arms and helped her check them out. He was even kind enough to open the door for her. "So where are you going love?" 

Amelia ignored England and called for a taxi. "Thank you for the help sir but I can take care of myself from here."

"Can I at least get you name?" 

Amelia turned to look at England. "Amelia. What's your name?" 

"Arthur. Arthur Kirkland my dear." 

With that, Amelia climbed into the taxi and tells the driver to take her to the orphanage. For some reason, she looked back at England. He stared at her as the car drove off down the road towards the orphanage. 


"Amelia, you're back!" one of the younger girls cheered as Amelia walked inside. 

"Hello Penny," Amelia greeted with a smile. "I have the recipe book for dinner tonight." 

"Can I help?" 

Amelia smiled at the little girl. "Of course. Just be careful." 

As Amelia was preparing dinner, she failed to hear what was going on outside; a fancy black car pulled-up and out of it came England. He had already called ahead and explained that he was going to adopt a young girl from the orphange. 

When he entered the orphange, he was greeted by the sweet smell of a delcious meal being made. Someone must be preparing a meal, England thought. Whoever it is, they certainly know how to cook. Arthur continued to follow his nose as he went to the kitchen. He is surprised to see Amelia and another young girl making the meal instead of an adult. 

"All right, I need flour Penny," Amelia instructed as she stirred a big bowl with a large spoon in hand. 

"Okay Amelia," Penny said as she ran over to the older girl with a big bag of flour in hand. 

Amelia was about to open it when she saw that England was standing there watching her cook. "What are you doing here?" Amelia asked. 

"Sorry to bug you love but I came to tell you it's time to go." England stated. 

"Time to go?" 

"You see dear, I've come to adopt you." 

"Adopt me?" 

England nodded. Amelia was definitely confused. 1. Because someone wanted to adopt her; and 2. She was a bit confused on why his eyebrows were so big. 

"Come along love, the car's all set up." 


Amelia walked out to the car with her suitcase packed. She got herself inside by opening the passanger door and looked out the window to see the other girls saying goodbye. Amelia placed her hand up against the window as she looked out it. 

"Bye Amelia!" Penny shouted as the car starts up. 

"Bye." Amelia whispered, mostly to herself, as the car drove down the road. 

It was a silent car ride and no one spoke. England sighed. "So Amelia, what is it that you like to do?"

"I cook and read mostly." Amelia stated bluntly. 

"I see...No I know she's a strange girl...I think she looks adorable..." 

Amelia looked at England with confusion. It looked like he was talking to thin air. "Who are you talking to?"

"I'm talking to flying mint bunny of course." 

Amelia frowned. Just great, I've been adopted by a lunatic. Amelia thought. 

Then she looked at England again. At least he actually cared enough to adopt her. "Since I adopted you I guess that makes me your Father." 

Amelia had a small smile come to her face. "I guess that does make you my Father." 

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