The Dress Pt. 2

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The video definitely described this chapter. WARNING: FEELS ARE IN THIS CHAPTER! It might make you reexamine your life.

Rose blinked as she looked around the kitchen. She was trying to figure out what had happened. The boy from the painting she saw had just showed up, called her her Papa, and kissed her hand before disappearing. "What just happened?" Rose asked herself out loud. "How was the boy from Ms. Hungary's painting just here?"

She looked around the kitchen one last time before heading to the living room, figuring that asking Hungary about it seemed to be the best course of action at the moment. When she got to the living room, Rose found that Katrina and Naomi were still refusing to not wear the dresses, despite Hungary's pleas. "I'm telling you two that you'd look absolutely adorable in them," Hungary tried to persuade them.

"Nein," Katrina growled. "I am not vearing a dress."

"No thank you Ms. Hungary," Naomi insisted.

"Ahhh," Hungary sighed. That's when Rose walked up to Hungary. She tugged on Hungary's dress to get the older woman's attention. Hungary looked down at Rose and smiled. Rose looked so much like Italy when he was little. So cute~, she thought. "What is it Rose?"

"Ms. Hungary, can I ask you a question?" Rose asked, holding onto the hem of her dress.

"Of course Rose, what do you want to ask?"

Nervously, Rose twiddled with her fingers and her dress. Then she took Hungary's hand and tried tugging her back to her room. Hungary followed Rose as she made her way back to the room. Rose then bent down, went under the bed, and pulled out the painting that Hungary had shown her before. The little girl struggled to put the painting onto the bed, but she was able to put it up there and lay it out. She then got on the bed and pointed to the little boy she had seen. "Who is he?" Rose asked.

Hungary raised an eyebrow in confusion, wondering why Rose would ask about...him. "Why do you ask?" Hungary asked the little girl.

"Because I saw him in the kitchen," Rose explained. "He called me by my Papa's name, told me he was sorry for not keeping his promise, kissed my hand, and then disappeared."

Sweat began to trickle down Hungary's back. She couldn't believe what Rose was telling her. HOW could she believe it? She had to know for sure though. "Rose, sweetie, are you sure you saw this boy?"

Rose nodded. "What's his name? I want to know so that way when I can see him again I can tell him who I really am. And maybe I should tell Papa about him too."

"No, no! You can't tell Italy about Holy Rome!" Hungary's sudden outburst shocked Rose. One, because Hungary had yelled at her and two, because she now knew the mysterious boy's name; Holy Rome. "Rose, you cannot tell Italy about Holy Rome."


"You just can't sweetie."

Even though Rose was confused, she agreed not to tell her Father...for now anyway.


A few days later, Rose was at Austria's house for a piano lesson with Melody. She watched Melody play the piano beside her Father and how she sang the notes to the song perfectly. Rose wished she could do piano as well as Melody but that's why she was going to lessons, so she could get better. After Melody's turn was done, Austria ushered Rose to sit on the little bench right next to him.

Even though she wanted to do her lesson, Rose's mind was focused on Holy Rome. She had racked her brain for the past few days, wondering all about him. She also wondered why Hungary had told her she couldn't tell Italy about him. I wonder why I can't tell Papa about Holy Rome, She wondered as she worked in the minor key when she should've been doing major.

"Rose, pay attention," Austria instructed, making Rose snap out of her thoughts.

"Yes Mr. Austria," Rose replied, playing her fingers across the piano. As she did, she looked at Austria and a sudden thought crossed her mind; Austria was also in the painting so he must've known something about Holy Rome. "Mr. Austria, do you know a boy named Holy Rome?"

Austria froze up, much like Hungary had done, but unstiffened quicker than Hungary had. "How did you find out about him?" Austria asked Rose.

"From Ms. Hungary. But she wouldn't tell me much about him. All she said was that I couldn't tell Papa."

"I see," Austria took his glasses off and cleaned them before placing them back on. "I suppose I'll have to tell you then;

"Now, Holy Rome was Prussia's brother who-"

"Mr. Prussia has another brother besides Mr. Germany?!" Rose shouted, shocked to hear of such a revelation.

"Ja. Now please do not interrupt Rose. It's very rude."

Rose nodded and pretended to zip her lips up to keep quiet.

"Now, Holy Rome and Italy were....close when Italy was a child. They cared for each other very much. However, Holy Rome was called to war and...."

The silence that followed made Rose worried. "Holy Rome came back though, right?"

Austria solomnly shook his head no, making Rose's heart sink. "He never came back."

Small tears gathered in Rose's eyes. "What happened to him?"

"You'll have to ask Prussia about that. He was one of the last people to see Holy Rome."


A week later, just before an Axis meeting, Rose walked over to Prussia, who was talking to Japan, and pulled on his shirt, getting the Albino man's attention. "Mr. Prussia, I need to ask you something important," Rose stated in a serious voice.

"Ja, okay," Prussia replied, not really certain about what Rose wanted to ask him.

Rose pulled Prussia over to the other side of the room, away from perked ears, and sat him down on a bench that was nearby. "Mr. Prussia, I need to ask you about what happened to Holy Rome," Rose said, getting right to the point.

Now Prussia stiffened at the mention of his brother, Holy Rome. He hadn't thought about him since he...What's more, how did Rose find out about him?

"Ms. Hungary and Mr. Austria told me about him." Rose said, as if she had somehow read his mind. "I know about how he and Papa were close and I wanna know what happened to him."

Prussia hadn't really talked about what had happened to Holy Rome with anybody except France and Spain. He didn't have the courage to tell Germany about Holy Rome. So how was he suppose to tell Rose? Then he noticed the tears in Rose's eyes. During this whole journey of finding out the truth about Holy Rome, she had grown to know him like he was still around today.

"Please Mr. Prussia, I have to know."

Prussia sighed and then prepared to tell Rose the truth about what happened to Holy Rome.


That night, after brushing her hair and getting ready for bed, Rose crawled into bed and let her mind wander. Prussia told her about the fate of Holy Rome and how he never made it back to her Papa like he had promised. It pained her so badly and that also made her realize that her Dad had probably been in worse pain, considering he knew Holy Rome better than she ever would. Looking up at the ceiling, Rose closed her eyes and did a silent prayer; Holy Rome, she prayed. If you're listening, I want you to know that Papa misses you so much. I hope that one day, you two will meet again. Please watch over Papa and me. And I want you to know that you're a friend of mine now.

Then, she let out a little yawn and fell asleep. As she slipped into slumber, a small hand rubbed her head before disappearing.

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