Bonding With Gilbird

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Even though Aurel had only been in the house for about three months, he could say without a doubt in his mind that he enjoyed it way better than he enjoyed the streets. In the house he had a bed to sleep in, food on the table, and his own room, where he could decorate it however he wanted it to look. His new Dad was awesome and let him stay up as late as he wanted and jump on the bed, although Aurel's new Uncle was a real stickler about the rules, which was only one of two downsides.

The other downside? The evil yellow menace known as Gilbird that Aurel dispised with a passion. The little bird would peck him constantly, try to build a nest atop his head, and would try to eat his food when he wasn't looking. "Can't you just leave me alone you tiny little pest?" Aurel growled at the little bird.

Gilbird just turned his head in confusion and then went to try and build a nest out of Aurel's hair again. Aurel swatted at him and stomped off in anger, not seeing one of the many baby gates Germany had set up for Katrina, and tripped and fell on his face. Katrina, who was playing with one of her baby toys in the living room, witnessed the event take place and began laughing uncontrollably as Aurel mumbled his revenge against Gilbird under his breath. I vill get you little yellow menace, Aurel vowed.

After finding the first-aid kit, Prussia opened it to find bandages inside. He then took them out to the living room, where Aurel sat with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face. "So you said Gilbird did this?" Prussia questioned as he took one of the bandages and put it on Aurel's head.

"Ja! It's his fault I tripped!" Aurel shouted with the scowl still on his face.

"Vhat? No vay. Gilbird is too awesome to do stuff like that."

Aurel grumbled under his breath and just glared at Gilbird, who sat perched on Prussia's shoulder. Prussia looked between Aurel and Gilbird and saw the resentment that Aurel was holding towards the tiny yellow bird. He couldn't understand why though. Gilbird was so awesome and fun.

"Maybe you just need some quality bonding time vith Gilbird," Prussia suggested. "And I know the best vay for you to do that."

Once Aurel was patched up, Prussia went to get Germany out of his office and convince him to get a beer. Germany tried to protest but his older brother was already shoving him out the door. "You and Gilbird vill stay here and vatch Kat vhile Vest and I go get some beer."

"Aren't I a little young to be vatching a baby?" Aurel questioned.

"Ja, but you von't really be vatching her long. Hungary vill be here in a bit to vatch her." That's when Gilbird landed on Prussia's shoulder. "Oh nein Gilbird." The Prussian cupped his hand around Gilbird and placed him on Aurel's shoulder. "You're staying here vith Aurel and bonding. If I come back and you two aren't pals, I vill ground you Aurel and I vill make sure that you don't get any birdseeds Gilbird!"

"Vhat?!" Aurel shouted.

"Chirp?!" Gilbird chirped

"You heard me! Now Hungary vill be here soon. Now stay and bond!"

Aurel watched as Prussia's car pulled out of the driveway and head out to town. The young kid turned to glare at Gilbird, who still sat on his shoulder, and the bird glared back. "I don't like you," He said.

"Chirp-Chirp (I don't like you either)," Gilbird chirped back.

As the two were having a staring contest, Katrina was crawling all over the floor with a pacifier in her mouth. Then she saw that a window was open and her little baby mind got curious. She started climbing to the window and found a bunch of miscellaneous objects lying about and climbed on top of them to reach the ledge.

"Oh yeah?! Vell you're a no good little flying annoyance vho-" Aurel was about to finish his insult to Gilbird when he noticed Katrina was missing. "Uh, vhere's Kat?"

Gilbird shrugged. It only took the two a few moments before they started freaking out. "Oh man! Onkle Vest is going to kill me! But I don't vant to die yet! I'm too awesome to die so young!"

Just when Aurel was about to write out his will, Gilbird flew on top of a shelf and started chirping up a storm; "Chirp chirp, chirp chirp chirp chirp! Chirp chirp chirp, chirp!" (Ve vill not give up! Ve vill find her before they get home!)

"...I have no idea vhat you just said but you seemed determined so I'm guessing you vant to find Kat!"

"Chirp chirp!" (Ja!)

The two looked around the whole house to try and find Katrina. They searched under beds, inside closets, in the bathrooms, they even looked inside some sinks. Their search beared no fruit. "Ve've looked everywhere! Ve're doomed Gilbird!"

The little yellow bird then flew to the open window that Katrina crawled out of and chirped to get Aurel's attention. "Good going Gilbird! Let's go!"

A few hours later, after crawling through bushes and mud, Gilbird and Aurel found Katrina sleeping on the ground with her pacifier still in her mouth. The two new pals sighedin relief. Aurel picked her up and carried her back to the house, where he laid her in the crib and then went to clean himself and Gilbird cleaned up. They both got in the tub and started cleaning each other. Gilbird got water over Aurel's head to help clean him up and then Aurel got Gilbird's feathers. The two then got on their pjs and went to the couch, where the two fell asleep. Aurel laid out on the couch with a blanket draped over him and started dozing off just as Gilbird nuzzled into Aurel's hair.

Hungary walked in a few minutes later and found everyone sleeping peacefully. She smiled when she saw Aurel and Gilbird all bunched up together. So cute~, She thought when she saw the scene.

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