Berlin: Katrina

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It was a quiet night in the city of Berlin. The year was 1919. Germany was working away in the middle of the night. He owes France a lot of money and was dreading every moment that he was forced to make cuckoo clocks. "Stupid France," Germany grumbles as he hammered away at the wood. "I can't believe I have to make these cuckoo clocks to pay him back. In my opinion he's the one vho lost this var so I should be the one vho should be paid back."

Suddenly, Germany's phone went off. He sighs as he went to answer it. He pinches his nose before going to answer the phone. "Hallo?"

"Dude, hey Germany," America greets from the other end.

"America? Vhat do you vant?"

"Bro, I know you've been busy and all but I thought it would be cool if you wanted to come to a restaurant with me and hang out for a bit?"

"Nein. I'm busy."

"But I'm inviting girls! Come on, England already bailed on me."

Germany sighs. Maybe a change of scenery would help him feel better.

"All right, I'll come over."


A few hours later, Germany was at a restaurant groaning as America was laughing with some girls. "Why did I even come?" he asks as he went to the counter.

He was got himself a water and places his head on the counter. "Is this seat taken?" a voice asks from his side.

Germany sat up and looks to see a beautiful young lady with long, blonde hair, the bluest of eyes, and the most spectacular smile that made her teeth look as white as snow.

"So, is this seat next to you taken?" she asks with the voice of an angel.

"N-Nein, it's not," Germany stutters for some reason. "Please, go ahead and sit."

The woman giggles as she sat. "You don't have to be so nervous. It's not like I'm interrogating you."

Germany blushs an even darker shade of red as the woman giggles again. "My name is Catherine by the way. What's yours?"


"Ludwig? That's German isn't it?"


Catherine orders herself a drink and then looks back at Germany. "So are you just visiting here or something?"

"Ja, I'm just here vith-"

"Yo Ludwig!" America walks up to the two blondes and smirks. "Dude, sweet chick with you."

"Alfred!" Germany yells at the American.

"Okay, I'll leave you two alone."

After America left, Catherine was able to get Germany into an actual conversation. She told him about how she would visit Berlin when she was a little girl since her Grandfather had a house over there. She explained how she loved to run around her Grandfather's farm house and play with the animals there. It made Germany actually smile a bit.


The months pass by rather quickly and to no surprise, Germany and Catherine start dating each other. Germany had yet to tell Catherine about him being the personification of Germany because he didn't want to put her in any danger. The only other people that knew about Catherine were Prussia, Italy, Austria, America, and Hungary.

What sort-of bugged Germany was when Italy came over and bugged him when he wanted to spend time with Catherine. He'd yell, Italy would cry, and Catherine would scold him, saying he shouldn't yell at his friend.

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