Mimi Grazia Fiorella Celia Vargas...Wow That's a Long Name

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This chapter is for an OC of a friend of ours, also known as AnimeMoviesKitten39. Her OC is the daughter of Romano. Please enjoy this crazy mash-up with her OC and our OCs.

Tye and Mimi glared at each other intensely as they sat on the couch. Even though Tye was slightly older than Mimi, by two years, Mimi was a very intimidating five-year old. They both had one thing in common that they didn't like; they both were the kin of a man by the man of Lovino Vargas, aka, Romano. Tye was related by blood while Mimi was just taken off the streets by Romano, literally! Even so, Romano...tolerated both children. Deep down though, he admitted to himself that he cared deeply for the two children, even though they weren't too fond of each other.

Romano grumbled as he watched the two children glare at each other. Finally, he had had enough; "That's enough you two," he said, getting their attention. "There's no point in glaring at each other anymore; you both are related so just accept it."

The two looked at each other, huffed, and then turned the opposite direction so they didn't have to look at each other. "I don't need to accept it," Tye huffed. "There's no way she's my sorella!"

"And there's no way this idiota is my fratello!" Mimi huffed.

"What did you say?!" Tye yelled, turning to face Mimi.

"You heard me idiota!" Mimi replied.

"Why you little-"

Tye and Mimi looked ready to attack each other when Romano stepped in between them, or rather sat between them. "That's enough you two," he said. "Now I'm going to a world meeting and by the time I get back, you better have learned to get along or no tomatos for either of you."

The two gasped; no tomatos?! "You wouldn't," Tye stated.

"You can't!" Mimi exclaimed.

"I can and I will. Now all the doors will be locked so you don't have to worry about intruders. Now don't open the door, got it?"

"Si Papa/ Padre," Mimi and Tye replied.
"Good. I'll see you later tonight." With that being said, Romano walked out the door and went to the meeting, leaving his two children to try and work out their problems. It only led to a messy house.

"Listen here, you aren't my sorella, got it?" Tye told Mimi.

"Good, I didn't want an idiota for a fratello anyway! You're such a jerk!" Mimi yelled before storming upstairs to her room. Tye did the same and stormed up to his own bedroom as well.


Mimi went downstairs to get a tomato to eat. She was still steaming mad at Tye and refused to talk to him. Who does the jerk think he is, talking to me like that? She thought. He has no right to speak to me that way.

As the young 5-year old made her way to the kitchen, she stopped when she saw that someone was rummaging through the fridge, someone she didn't recognize. She began to back away and as she did, Mimi bumped into a table, causing the person to look up from the fridge. Mimi then screamed as she ran upstairs and into Tye's room. "Wake-up Tye!" She yelled as she jumped on top of him.

Tye groggily woke-up and was unhappy to find Mimi on top of him. "What is it Mimi?" He asked, not really caring.

"There's a stranger in the house and he's raiding the fridge!" She then handed a broom to Tye. "Now go out there and deal with him!"

"Why me?!"

"Because you're the oldest." Mimi pulled him out of bed and then pushed him towards the door.

Tye gulped as the doorknob slowly turned. He waited for the door to completely open before he ran out it and started hitting the person with the broom. "Take that you jerk! And that as well!"

"Get him Tye! Show him what for!"

After hitting the person with the broom a few more times, Tye was picked up by the back of his shirt and held in the air. "Put me down!"

Mimi then ran up and began punching the stranger. "You put him down you jerk or I'll make you sorry!"

That's when Mimi was picked up off of the ground by the stranger as well. "Now why are you two attacking your great-grandpa Rome?" The stranger asked.

"Grandpa Rome?" Tye and Mimi said at the same time.


The two Italians looked at Rome as he ate some tomatos. "So, you're the Roman Empire?" Tye asked as the Italian man.

"Si, that is correct," Rome answered. "That makes me your Great-grandpa!"

"But, how?" Mimi asked. "You disappeared a long time ago!"

"I know."

Mimi looked at Tye in confusion, who just shrugged his shoulders.

"Now then, it's my turn to ask you a question; why are you two fighting with each other?"

"Well Padre wants us to accept the fact that we're related," Tye explained.

"And we don't want to," Mimi added.

Rome sighed. "You two shouldn't be fighting. You both are family. Family sticks together you know. What if something happened to your Padre? Then what? Would you just stop talking to each other?"

Mimi and Tye looked at each other before Rome forced the two to hug. It was uncomfortable at first but then Tye hugged Mimi. "I'm sorry Mimi," Tye apologized. "I should've been a better older fratello."

"No I'm sorry," Mimi apologized. "I shouldn't have called you an idiota."

Mimi smiled at Tye before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek, making the two of them blush.

"Aww~, you two are so cute!"


Romano walked up the stairs after the long meeting. He was tired from the meeting and was hoping his parenting plan would work. He walked into Mimi's room but saw his little girl wasn't in bed. "Where is she?" He asked.

The Italian went into Tye's room to see that Tye and Mimi were sleeping in the same bed with each other. Mimi had her head on the pillow and Tye had his arms wrapped around her in a brotherly, protective way. A small smile came to Romano's face as he wished the two a goodnight's rest before heading to bed.

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