Christmas with Mom

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Feels....That's all that can describe this....

It was snowing in the city of Berlin. The Christmas feeling was in the air, even though Christmas was still about a month away. The Gendarmenmarket had acrobats, jugglers, and fire breathers were all over the place. 10-year old Katrina had arrived at the market with her Dad to try and buy Christmas presents, while also trying to find out where Prussia went, considering there was a bar nearby. The last thing they needed was a call saying Prussia was passed out on the floor of a bar. 

"Vhere did he go?" Katrina mumbled under her breath as she walked with a few gifts she had bought in hand. She wanted to find her Uncle quickly before he even had a cup of beer. Plus, she still had to buy the presents for her Dad and dog, finding them to be the hardest ones to buy for. 

As she rounded a corner, Katrina bumped into someone, sending the items she had bought right to the floor. "Oh, I'm so sorry hon," the person, who was a woman, apologized. 

"It's fine," Katrina stated, not yet looking getting the chance to get a better look at this woman. Katrina bent down to start picking up the gifts on the floor when a hand beat her to them; it was the woman's. The personification of Berlin looked up at this person and froze in place at what she had seen; the eyes, the hair, the couldn't have been....could it? This woman looked exactly like her Mother! Katrina had studied the few pictures of her Mother well enough to know what she looked like, down to the last detail. But, how could this be? There was no way that this woman was Catherine.

"Are you all right?" The woman asked. 

Katrina could only stare at her with her mouth slightly ajar. Then she tried to compose herself a bit, still trying to comprehend everything. "I-I'm fine," Katrina stuttered. "I uh, look like someone I know..." 

The woman smiled. "I never got your name," she said. "I'm Katherine." 

She even has Mutti's name! Katrina shouted in her head. This is absolutely insane! Vhat do I do?....Vell I should probably start vith my name. "I'm Katrina." 

"Katrina huh?" Katherine said. "I've always liked that name. Who knows, maybe I'll name one of my children that name, you know, if I ever have children. Now, shouldn't you be with your parents?" 

"Uh, vell, I vas actually trying to find mein Onkle," Katrina explained. "He might be at a bar right now, vhich might not end vell." 

Katherine chuckled. "Well I shouldn't keep you then."

"Oh, uh, okay."


Katrina went back to the market several times to see Katherine. She seemed to be working at one of the stores in the market. Katrina would try and be subtle when she went to see Katherine but she wasn't so good at it. Still, Katherine didn't mind having the girl around. In fact, she found the little girl's company quite enjoyable.

There was just one problem; Germany had no idea about Katherine, mostly due to the fact that Katrina wasn't sure what to tell her Father. She would say that she was going out to check up on something or taking Ber for a walk. Germany didn't suspect anything was up until one time when she said that she was taking Ber for a walk. He soon found the pup in question chewing on one of his boots, which he was not happy about. It was then that he realized that something was going on. Vhy vould Katrina lie to me? He thought as he pulled the boot out of the pup's mouth. 

He later found out from Aurel that she was going to the market. Germany quickly went out after her and soon found the little girl walking into one store. He followed after her and stopped in place when he saw her talking to Katherine....He was in absolute shock. This woman looked so much like his deceased wife it was uncanny. 

Germany had to leave the store for a minute to catch his breath. He leaned against a wall, feeling that he was going to pass out at any moment. Vhat is going on here? Germany thought. Could that be Catherine?...Nein, nein, She passed away all those years ago...Still....

Since he wasn't getting answers by just standing around, Germany decided to approach the situation head-on. He tried to keep from shaking in his boots as he walked into the store, finding Katrina smiling as she talked to Katherine, who was placing some items on a shelf. Germany soon made his way over to the two, clearing his throat to catch their attention. "Vati," Katrina slightly gasped. 

Katherine turned to look at Germany, tucking a piece of hair behind her right ear as she looked at him. Something about him was familiar, like she had met him somewhere before. However, she couldn't place it. Still, she smiled at him, finally getting the chance to meet the man that Katrina had constantly mentioned to her. "So you're Katrina's father," She said. "Katrina's mentioned a lot about you." She placed her hand out in front of her for Germany to shake. "I'm Katherine." 

Germany nervously gulped down his nerves and took a hold of Katherine's hand, giving it a nice shake. "L-Ludwig," he replied. 

Katherine giggled. "You don't have to be so nervous. It's not like I'm interrogating you." 

That caused Germany to freeze up. 

"You don't have to be so nervous. It's not like I'm interrogating you." Those were the exact same words that Catherine had said to him the night that they had met. The words echoed in his head and he felt his face heat up. 

"Ludwig? Are you all right?" Katherine asked, trying to snap Germany out of his trance. 

"U-Uh, ja, ja, I'm fine," Germany stuttered. "I just, I uh...." 

"Uh, Vati," Katrina quickly interjected. "Maybe, uh, ve should invite Katherine to dinner tomorrow. It is, after all, our Christmas dinner." 

"V-Vell, I'm sure Katherine has other plans," Germany quickly stated. 

"Not really," Katherine answered. "I mean, if you don't mind me coming over-" 

"Nein, nein, I don't," Germany admitted. "If you vould like to come over you can." 

Katherine smiled. "All right." 

After getting the needed info on where to go for dinner, Germany and Katrina left. The car ride home was silent. Katrina looked out the window as the car went along and Germany just looked at the road ahead. Guilt started welling up inside for Katrina. She hated not telling her Dad about the whole "Katherine" situation, but what could she tell him? "Vati I-" Katrina began. 

"Katrina, I'm not mad," Germany interrupted. "I'm...disappointed that you didn't tell me, that you lied to me about vhere you vere going." 

"I didn't mean-" 

"Katrina, you flat-out lied to me. Vhat do you expect me to think?" 

"I know, I just-" 

"Vhy vouldn't you say anything to me about this? I mean-" 

"Vhat could I say?!" Katrina shouted. "I couldn't really say much! You barely tell me anything about mein Mutti and now this voman might somehow be related to her and you're criticizing me because of it!" After she stopped yelling, Katrina quickly covered her mouth with her hands and looked at her Father. He sat there completely still and then pulled the car over on the side of the road. "Vati, I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell....I just, vant to know about her." 

"...And that's mein fault for not telling you more about her," Germany finally spoke, turning to look at his little girl with sorrow-filled eyes. "Katrina, can you ever forgive me?" 

"There's no need to apologize Vati," Katrina said. "I just, vant to know more about her is all." 

"And you vill. I promise." 

There will be a part two and it will be full of feels, even more than this one if that's possible. (Yes this is late but it's needed). 

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