OC Callout: Hawaii, aka, Lilo

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So........this is super late. Sorry guys, busyness, and sickness have been keeping this from coming up and, yes it's 2018 so it's not gonna be Christmas related, but it will be good....hopefully. Also, Lilo, aka, Hawaii, belongs to izzyinsanity4 .

16-year old Amanda waited patiently at the airport for the plane from Honolulu to land. She was excited by the fact that her sister, Lilo, was coming in from Hawaii to visit her in New York for the long weekend. Okay, the plane isn't delayed, Amanda thought as she waited at the bottom of the escalator. Ugh! This waiting's gonna be the death of me! 

Amanda and her sister rarely spend time with one another due to distance and some.....family issues. America and Lilo's relationship was strenuous at best. Lilo still held major resentment towards America for not coming to see her following the end of the war and America gave no official apology for, in Lilo's own words, "abandoning his own child in a time of great need." Despite this, Amanda did her best to try and bring the two together, although it only proved to be in vain because the only thing that came out of these situations was awkwardness and underlying tension. However, this time was going to be different....at least, Amanda planned to make it so. 

The board showing the planes in route changed to show Lilo's flight had landed. Amanda felt like she was gonna explode if she had to wait any longer for her sister to show up. "Come on, come on," Amanda said to herself as she scanned the crowd of people coming down the escalators with their carry-on luggage. Each time a person with brown hair popped up, Amanda would instantly perk up. However, she would soon see it wasn't her sister and droop down a bit. Just when it seemed the bulk of the people was done coming down the escalator, Amanda spotted a few stragglers coming down, one of them being a girl with brown hair and a red flower decorating one side, a tanned skin tone, ocean blue eyes, and simple red dress with matching red flip-flops, she nearly screamed her head off and ran to meet her sister at the bottom of the escalator. The two embraced and laughed as the hugged each other. 

"You have no idea how excited I am to see you!" Amanda cheered after she finally let her sister go. 

"You have no idea how jet-lagged I feel," Lilo retorted. "Ugh, I can't even think straight, sis. By the way, what time is it?" 

"10:08 AM, why?" Amanda asked. 

"Because I still wanna know if I can get a breakfast burrito," Lilo stated. "And a good cup of coffee. No skimping on the milk either." 

Amanda chuckled and went with Lilo to go get her luggage and food from a McDonalds. Once that was settled, Amanda got her and Lilo a taxi to take them to the hotel that Amanda had booked. As soon as they got there, they checked in, went up to the room, and Lilo collapsed on the bed and sank into it. "I just wanna lay here for the entirety of this trip," Lilo reported with her face smothered in the sheets. 

"That sounds absolutely boring," Amanda replied, plopping a seat in the bed across from Lilo. "And I have tons of fun things planned for us to do: we're gonna check out Time Square, see Lady Liberty, get a ride on the Hudson, visit the World Trade Center memorial, do some more site seeing, shop around Chinatown, and, the piece de resistance." Amanda pulled her wallet out of her purse and unzipped said wallet to reveal three slips of paper. 

Lilo gasped upon realizing what her sister had in her possession and immediately perked up: "You didn't!" 

"I did!" 

"B-B-But how?!" 

"Well, when you know some guys in DC, they can hook you up with anything." 

Lilo squealed uncontrollably. "I can't believe you got tickets to see Hamilton!" 

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