First Winter

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A year had passed since Russia first adopted Natie. The little one-year old was definitely a handful at times but Russia was able to learn. He got use to waking up in the middle of the night to feed Natie or change her diaper, rocking her to sleep when she was crying, and even allowed the child to chew on his scarf when she began teething. The Baltic states never thought in a million years that Russia would let a child melt his heart the way that Natie did. He was still mean to them but he had somehow lightened up on it. They thanked Heaven for sending Natie to help lessen Russia's wrath.

When it came close to winter, the snow really fell down over the country of Russia. Russia found himself, often times, unable to go to work because of the weather. He often found himself playing with Natie instead of doing his actual paperwork.

One morning, when it snowed particularly heavy the previous night, Russia was woken up by the sound of knocking at his door. He begrudgingly got out of bed and made his way to the door. When he opened it, Russia was shocked to find his 1-year old on the other side of it.

"Natie? What are you doing out of bed sunflower?" Russia asked as he picked his daughter up off of the floor.

Natie just spoke baby babble and grabbed a hold of Russia's shirt with her tiny fist. Then her little stomach growled, making Russia smile softly.

"Okay little one, let us go eat some breakfast, day?"

As Russia walked down the stairs, Natie looked out one of the windows and saw the snow falling outside. She giggled and reached towards the window. Russia stopped when he heard Natie laughing. He looked towards the window and saw the snow falling on the ground. "I see," Russia said. "You like the snow falling outside."

Natie continued to giggle like crazy, wanting to go out and play in the white substance that was falling and accumulating on the ground.

"I guess we could go outside and play in the snow."

Natie baby babbled a yes. Then she was placed in a baby highchair in the kitchen and given some food to eat. The little baby girl ate sloppily but was quickly cleaned up and then out into a puffy jacket, a hat, gloves, and a little pair of boots.

Russia walked with Natie towards the door and opened it to reveal the huge snowpiles that waited for them. "All right little sunflower, let's go play."

Before Russia could even attempt to take a hold of Natie's hand, Natie trodded into the snow. She jumped into a pile of snow and disappeared into it. Russia quickly became frantic and ran out to grab his child out of the snow. He picked her up out of the pile and was able to breath easier when he saw that Natie was okay. "Oh thank goodness you're okay," Russia sighed. "You scared me little sunflower. Don't you ever do that again."

The little child just looked at Russia with her snow-covered face and smiled.

Russia sighed and placed Natie on his shoulders. "This way, I can keep an eye on you." Russia told her.

From inside the house, the Baltic states watched the whole scene unfold from one of the windows. "I've never seen Mr. Russia become so worried before," Latvia commented.

"It's because he's never had to care for a child before," Estonia pointed out. "He's only really had to care for himself."

"Now he has to take care of a daughter," Lithuania added. "Oh boy, I wonder how he will handle her teenage years when she rebels against everything, including him."

"Oh, those will be the worse years of his life," Estonia replied. "He's going to pull his hair out with her. Then there's also when she starts dating boys."

"Especially when she starts dating boys."

Back to the two outside, Russia was carrying Natie out towards a clear patch of land where he could keep a better eye on her. As they walked there, Natie would grab onto small tree branches and shake the snow that was on top of said branches, causing the snow to fall on top of her and Russia. Russia would just wipe it off quickly and then give Natie a playful glare.

When they finally got to the patch of clearing, Russia put Natie down and allowed her to roam. She stumbled a few times but always got right back up. Then Russia helped her start a snowman. He pushed the base into place and then he and Natie worked on the midsection together. Then Natie did a very, very tiny head for the snowman.

"That was very good sunflower," Russia commented. He then sat down on the ground with Natie in his lap just a light drizzle of snowflakes began to fall. Natie watched with wonder and awe as a snowflake landed on her nose. She giggled and then she stuck out her tongue to catch another snowflake. Russia did the same and then caught one himself.

"This was a great day sunflower," Russia told his little girl who looked up at him with her big, adorable eyes. "I hope you will get to remember moments like this when you are older. I want you to be able to smile at memories like this; your first winter with me."

Natie giggled and then snuggled up to Russia as her eyes began to droop. She slowly began to fall asleep and Russia decided to take her home. When he got back, he carried her up to her room, placed her in her crib, and then gave her a loss on the head before leaving to let her rest.

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