Chapter 37 - Preparing Futaba for the Beach

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We made it to Futaba's house seeing that Yusuke and Makoto were already there waiting for me. Futaba let us inside and then rushed back to her room. Once we all got to her room, we were greeted by Futaba, wearing a big head.

"Uh..." I said. "Nice head Futaba."

"Thank you, Ren." she said.

Not sure if she was smiling or what, pretty hard to see her face while she's wearing that thing.

"It certainly is interesting." Yusuke said smiling.

"Mwehehe." Futaba laughed a bit.

We finally convinced her to take off the big head and I asked Makoto what the plan was.

"Well, we're going to work on her conversational skills." she said.

I looked over and saw that Yusuke was messing around with the figures that Futaba had beside her computer set up. Makoto was trying to start a conversation with Futaba.

"Uh Yusuke, what are you doing?" I asked.

He had been messing with the figures that Futaba had near her desk.

"There done." he said smiling.

We looked at the figures and Futaba yelled freaking out about how Yusuke messed them up and even gave Yusuke a new nickname calling him Inari.

"This...Wasn't what I was expecting." Makoto said.

After fixing her Neo Featherman Ranger action figures, she and Yusuke were soon having a normal conversation. Makoto realized that it just had to be something Futaba was interested in. The next day, Futaba was with me at Leblanc and Morgana looked at her.

"Huh, thought you'd be more panicked. But you're surprisingly calm." he said.

"Yeah, there are no customers." Futaba said.

Right then, the door opened and Ryuji came in with Ann.

"Yoooo." he said.

"We're here!" Ann said smiling.

Futaba quickly ran off as Morgana and I went to greet Ann and Ryuji.

"Sorry we're late. We were out buying stuff and I got a little caught up in what to get." Ann said.

There were a bunch of snacks on the counter and Morgana asked what she planned on doing. Ryuji pointed out that summer is when we lounge in our rooms all day. Not exactly true though since we have summer homework that still needed to be finished. I got the feeling Ryuji will finish his last minute. Ann said eating snacks was the best part of it.

"Hey, where's Futaba?" Ryuji asked.

"You've done well in coming here."

Oh no, she's wearing that big head mask again. She freaked out Ryuji and I had to hide that I was chuckling a bit. It's going to be another noisy day that's for sure. Soon we were in my room enjoying snacks as Ryuji was talking about some nonsense. All the conversations were very interesting. Futaba was doing very well, and we decided that tomorrow she'd help around the cafe. Futaba though wasn't so keen on the idea about it, but I reassured her I'd be there to help. When we were texting that night. Futaba once again said that Ryuji had no charm. I was refraining from laughing and failing. Shadeon was laughing too.

That night, I went to hang out with my confidants. Hifumi was having trouble with her mom pushing things onto her. Things that she couldn't do she wanted Hifumi to do. I cheered her up. I stopped by to see the twin wardens and they wanted me to take them to the Big Bang Burger fast food place. And they made me take the big bang challenge, the final level of it. I sweat a lot seeing the size of the burger.

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