
817 62 15

I can't control myself.

Liam slides off the counter, landing in front of me.

He pulls away from me, leaving me breathless. He looks into my eyes. His eyes have darkened with lust and his lips are slightly swollen, a shade of dark pink. His cheeks are flushed and his breath is ragged. Basically, he is the definition of sex.

"Come on baby," he says deeply.

He takes my hand and he leads me through the hall way until we reach a bedroom, my bedroom.

He walks to the edge of the bed and turns us so I have my back to the bed. He leans in a kisses me passionately, our tongues sliding against each other. He then pulls away abruptly and moves his mouth skillfully to my neck, sucking, biting, kissing.

His lips move to my ear and whisper, his voice different from what I have ever heard, "You are mine,"

His hands on my waist play with the hem of my shirt.

His right eye brow raises as he asks, "May I?"

I don't say anything. All I can do is nod and in a second, my shirt is off. It is thrown to the floor.

"Do you want this?" Liam questions. The lust in his eyes has dissipated and has been replaced with worry. I nod. Almost instantly, lust fills his eyes again and it makes me feel some sort of way I can't explain.

Liam pushes his body against mine with such force that I fall backwards onto the mattress. Before Liam lands on top of me, he catches himself, both of his hands on either side of my head.

"I said do you want this," he growls.

I feel myself harden and I suck in a breath.

"Yes," I breathe.

He places his hands on either side of my torso and he moves me so my whole body is on the bed and my legs aren't dangling off. My legs are caught in between Liam's, which are on either side of my thighs. Liam pushes his hips onto mine and rolls them. The friction causes me to moan in pleasure. Liam stops and sits up, his weight on both of his knees.

He pulls off his shirt, crossing his arms on either side of his body, grabbing the hems of his shirt and pulling his shirt up and off his body. He throws it to the ground next to mine.

With his body exposed to my eye, my heart beats faster than ever. Liam notices my excitement and smirks. He leans down and kisses me. His lips leave mine as fast as they meet them. He trails down my torso, leaving a burning path of light kisses.

Once he reaches the top of boxers, which were peaking up above my jeans, Liam stops. His hands quickly undo my belt and with a tug, the belt is on the ground with our shirts.

He pulls down my jeans and then removes them leg by leg. Soon, I'm left in only my boxers, vulnerable in front of Liam.

Liam climbs back on top of me and his lips meet mine, kissing me passionately.

When he pulls away, he whispers, "Are you really sure about this?"

"More sure than ever," I whisper back, my breath out of sync.

Liam nods ever so slightly. He pecks me on the lips quickly and then his fingers curl under the hem of my briefs.

My eyes flutter open. The light from the room is bright and I shut my eyes instantly. I shift and let out a groan. I turn my head from one side and then to the other to stretch. When I turn my neck, I see a sight that I don't ever want to forget.

Liam is sprawled in the bed, the white sheets covering his lower half in a sloppy fashion, exposing his torso. I can see fading blue and purple from his beating yesterday.

One of his arms is thrown across his eyes and the other is resting on his chest. His hair is sprayed everywhere on the pillow, some strands in his face.

I turn so I'm laying on my stomach and then turn my head towards the sleeping beauty.

"I can feel your eyes one me," Liam mumbles, his voice deeper and huskier than normal.

"I- uh- sorry," I stutter. I roll over and start to get out of bed.

All of the sudden, I feel a pair of hands on my arm. I look back and see Liam smirking, his hair sticking up towards the sky. His face is still beat up, but he looks perfect like always despite the cuts.

"Stay with me," he says sweetly.

A small smile crawls onto my face and I nod. I climb back under the cool covers, turning on my side to face Liam. Liam pulls me towards me and he intertwines out legs. His hand rests on my side.

I watch as his eyes wonder over my face, a small smile on his lips.

"I love how you look after sex," he mumbles.

His straightforwardness shocks me and I'm unable to answer.

Liam hums in appreciation.

"I wish I could stay here for eternity," his whispers.

"I think we would want some food during that eternity though," I respond stupidly.

Liam laughs softly.

"For how much you talk about food, you sure don't eat a lot of it," Liam says.

"I don't usually have the time to eat a lot," I admit.

"You write that much?"

"I have to work and it's hard to juggle. People think of writing not a very hard job but it's one of the hardest. You have the pressure from the public to write something even better than the best you have ever done," I break off and take a breath.

Talking about the pressure I have on my back is hard for me, but I can't stop talking to Liam. He listens to me and I feel a comforting feeling with him, that I just can't hold back.

"I just sometimes don't have the time to eat. I'm always so hungry after a day of not eating," I say, "But I have to get better. I have to be better and I have to be the best. I can't let anybody down."

Liam kisses my forehead and then pulls away. My eyes meet his beautiful eyes.

"I'm scared of letting everybody down and not pleasing them. So I continue to write, as much as I can and I forget to eat." I whisper. I feel something wet fall onto the pillow beneath my head and realize I had been crying.

"Zayn," Liam says with an exhale, "Zayn, baby,"

He pulls me into his chest and I wrap my arms around his neck.

Liam's hand runs up and down my back in random shapes softly. His hums of a soothing rhythm is sounding in my ear. His warmth is comforting me, making drowsiness over come me.

My eyes feel heavy and my muscles loosen. My sobs quiet and sooner or later Liam pulls away. He kisses my forehead and then both of my eye lids.

I open my eyes and look into a pair of chocolate brown eyes.

"I just want you to know," Liam murmurs, "that no matter what you do, you will always make me proud."

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