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It's been two weeks of being in school and all the memories of this hell have rushed back. Not like I could completely forget the constant homework and extremely boring lectures. However, I'm having a very different high school experience than what I had a couple years ago.

Kids are mean; a few shoves here and there and a lot of nasty comments are blown my way.

I try to shrug these comments off, but it hurts to think that others go through this; this torture.

I haven't seen Liam for the past week. After talking in the auditorium, he's been in and out of school. But whenever he saw me, he smiled at me and said hi, which I was happy about. At least he notices me.

Harry and Louis were still nice to me, but they have drifted away from me, which is what I wanted. Hanging around them will ruin this whole experiment.

The bell releases us from our last period and I exhale in relief when the teacher excuses us.

"Zayn, a word," the teacher, Mrs. Lake, calls as students make their way out of the classroom. I pack away my belongings quickly, receiving a few shoulder shoves from students that push their way past me. I just ignore them, even though each one that I got stabbed me deeper in the heart.

I sling my monstrous backpack over my shoulder and walk up the teacher. Mrs. Lake is the English teacher, a lady with in her mid- fifties, that dragged on her lessons with her extremely boring and monotone. She was nice, a nice lady however a terrible teacher.

... Sorry Mrs. Lake.

"Mrs. Lake, you wanted to talk with me?" I question.

"Yes, Zayn. I just wanted to talk to you about your writing." She says and pulls out an essay that was assigned last week.

"Is there something wrong ma'am?" I ask, honestly a bit worried.

"No, of course not Zayn. You are just an amazing writer and I was wondering if you would like to enter this writing competition our school holds every year. I think you have a huge opportunity to win it this year," Mrs. Lake explains to me with a smile plastered on her face.

"Thank you so much. I would actually love to participate in this contest. When would this paper be due?" I ask. My heart swells from her compliment. I love writing so why not enter a contest that's not even for non-high schoolers, right?

"It's due at the beginning of April, about three months. Here's the form on the contest. As you can see, there are three prompts to choose from." She says as she hands me a white paper filled with information about the contest.

"Thank you Mrs. Lake. I will definitely get started on this," I say with a smile as I place the paper in my backpack. "No problem, Zayn. You have a special talent."

I smile and thank her once again. I make my way out of the room when I hear her voice again.

"Your writing is very similar to something I read in the paper,"

I turn around, my heart beating in my chest.

"Oh, how so?" I ask. I try to keep my voice as calm as possible.

"I can't place my finger on it, but your name seems very similar. And, your writing is just so outstanding and I've only ever seen a writing style like yours in one other place." Mrs. Lake says, in concentration.

"I- I have to get going Mrs. Lake," I say and she looks up.

"Okay Zayn, see you tomorrow," she says with a smile and I exit the room, releasing a shaky breath once the door closes behind me.

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