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We could hear the music even before we turn the corner to get to the party house. I feel as if the base of shaking the car. I'm nervous and Liam is quiet but his gentle touch on my leg seems to calm me and speak louder than his words could.

Just as I turn the corner Liam and I both curse under our breath as I look down the street towards the party house.

The street was lined with cars both directions down the whole street. People walked towards the party house, dressed in short skirts, crop tops and some guys with no shirts. Lights flashed from a house a few hundred yards ahead of us to our right.

Five minutes later, Liam and I are walking up the sidewalk towards the house, the music blasting so loud. I'm surprised the cops aren't here. I want to hold Liam's hand but I don't know what he feels about public affection. So I just keep my hand at my side, swinging my arms slightly as we walk.

When we walk up to the house, I can barely hear Liam as he yells in my ear.

"I don't want to loose you,"

With those words, Liam's hand grasps mine tightly yet comforting. We walk into the house and as we walk farther into the house, cups are thrust into house hands and pats on our backs are received from people from our school and other people that I have never even seen before.

Liam wears a proud and brilliant smile as he yells greetings to others, knowing almost all by name.

We finally reach the kitchen. By this time, I have downed the drink, not even caring what was in it. All I know is, is that I have to have a few more of these drinks to get this party started.

Liam pours me another and he watches me with a concerned eye as I toss it back, handing him my red solo cup back.

"Are you sure about this?" He questions, worry in his eyes.

I nod. "I can't do something crazy and epic without being wasted drunk." I admit and Liam hands me a shot of tequila. I toss that back.

I leave the little shot glass on the counter.

I start to feel warm and fuzzy, a familiar feeling. But I know this isn't enough for what I have planned, not like it will go as planned with my drunkenness. I look at Liam, who has a red solo cup, filled to the brim with beer. He hands it to me and I smile lopsidedly at him.

"Bottoms up," I yell over and drink.


My eyes are crusted over as I return to the world from my dream of nothingness. The first thing I notice is the pounding headache. The second is the fact that I am naked. Third is that I have no idea where I am.

However, I don't have to do much to realize that I am on the top of a roof, the sun blazing in my eyes, probably the reason I woke up.

Confused and worried about what I had done last night, I climb down from the roof, landing on a balcony. I look around and see a pair of jeans.

My jeans.

I shimmy in them, ignoring the fact that I have no underwear. I have no desire to know where those ended up.

I look around for my shirt, but the fact that I couldn't see it, the pounding headache and the blazing light from the sun, I open the slider and enter the house.

I close the slider behind me, the slamming noise echoing in my head. I close my eyes, massaging my temples with my pointer and middle finger.

"You sure made a legend out of yourself, Zayn," Liam's voice booms. Not booms, but in my head: BOOMS.

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