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"Liam," I say in a hushed and hurried voice.

"Zayn, what's wrong?" Liam asks, his voice laced with worry. He had left my flat about an hour before I had left for the bar.

"I-uh- do you know a man," I say.

"Zayn, be more specific," Liam demands.

"He-he has black hair, um, skin is a bit pale, wore dark glasses. Fuck, shit, I couldn't see his eyes. I-"

"Shit, Zayn, where are you?" Liam asks urgently.

"I'm at home. Who is that man Liam?" I ask, my voice raising slightly.

"I-it's not important," Liam says. There's rustling on his end of the phone. Liam is moving, quickly.

"Yes, yes it is. Who is this man? How do you know him?" I demand.

"You know Zayn, babe, I cannot tell you right now. My mind is all over the place and I cannot focus with you asking this question. I am coming over. You need to pack your bags. Our plan to leave is going to moved a little sooner than planned. I'll see you soon, Zayn. I love you," Liam says and hangs up.

I slowly lower my phone and lock it. I slide it into my pocket. I do not move. I am in shock.

Liam and I had planned to leave in a week. He would stay in the group and stay away from me until I turn in my assignment. Then we would leave. Together. We were planning to go to London, and disappear for a while. Together. We had plans to stay in fancy hotels and share long conversations at night. Together.

Now, everything feels rushed. Everything is moving too fast.

Before I can move, there is a knock on my door.

I don't dare to speak. I know Liam can't be here yet.

I, as quietly as I could, move and go into my bedroom. I go into my closet and pull down my duffel bag. I pull a few blankets that I keep up in the closet down as well. They land on the floor in a quiet wisp and thud.

Another knock: one, two, three, four. Urgent now.

I begin to throw things into my duffel bag. Shirts, briefs, pants, one pair of shoes, socks, anything I could think of and could get my hands on. My bag was soon full of clothes.

I go into my closet again, and pull out my shoebox. Inside is money. I shove the shoebox into my duffel bag. It's a tight fit but it'll do. I zip the bag up.

Leaving the bag on the bed, I go out my kitchen and unplug my laptop. I grab it and the charger.

Another knock. And a voice: "Boy, I know you're in there. Now just come out and have a little chat with me." It's that man.

My heart jumps and I go back to the bedroom and grab my backpack that is laying in the corner by the doorway.  I slide the computer into the backpack full of folders and items for school. I zip the backpack. I put it on my back and throw the duffel bag over my shoulder.

I look at my window. It's the only exit.

"Boy, I'm coming in if you don't answer in the next ten seconds."

I open my window. It slides up smoothly. Instantly, cold air hits me and white flakes begin to fall into my wood floors.

I shimmy out through my window, landing softly on the damp ground or dirt and leaeves. I readjust the bag on my shoulder.

There is a sudden thud and immediately after the sound of cracking wood. He's in.

I begin to run. I maneuver myself through homes until finally I reach a street. I run town the street, away from my flat. Suddenly, my phone rings.

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