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My heart stops and I don't say anything.

"How did you..."

"I read your articles. They're absolutely amazing." Liam says with a smile and my heart leaps. I smile back and laugh a little.

"Thanks but I'm not that great."

"You are, trust me. Not to barge in but," Liam pauses and leans forwards towards me. "Why are you here in high school? Aren't you in your twenties?" he asks in a hushed voice.

"Um, first of all, I'm nineteen," I say with a laugh, "and second, I'm not supposed to say," Liam nods and backs up so he was sitting normal.

"I understand." he says with a nod and starts eating his cookie.

I was quiet and when Liam was done eating he gets up to throw his trash away and leaves the cafeteria. Before he exits though, he looks back and looks at me right in the eyes. He gives me a half hearted smile and then turns and walks away, the door slamming shut, blocking my view of him.

I stared at the door for a few seconds before realizing what I needed to do and opened my notebook to start writing but I'm interrupted by more weight on the end of the table and also by Louis' voice.

"Dude, Liam hasn't sat at the tables since he was with us," Louis says as I look up at him.

Harry is right next to him and nods. "He normally just walks in to get lunch and walks out. Never sits. Ever," Harry says and looks around and then looks at me.

"So, what? I wouldn't know why he did that" I say in a bit of annoyed voice. I wanted time to write and be alone. Not to have these two kids bug me. Don't get me wrong, they're nice and all, just learn some personal space Louis and Harry.

"Zayn, I don't get it either." Louis says, a bit frustrated.

I feel my cheeks heating up and look down at my notebook that was open for every one to see. I quickly close it and stand up.

"I don't know boys," I say and start to walk towards the exit of the lunch room. "I'm going,"

"Wait. Where?" Harry says and gets up along with Louis. "Bathroom and just to put my things away. I'll see you both in English," I reply. Harry nods and walks off with Louis, their hands intertwined.

Harry looks over his shoulder and says loudly, "Remember our free period is next and then it's English for you," Then he turns and walks away with Louis.

I head out of the lunch room and into the hallway. It's a lot quieter and I walk down the hall. I sigh in happiness. Thank God for peace and quiet.

I continue to walk until I see auditorium doors.

They're closed and I look in through the little glass square into the room. The room's empty and quiet; a perfect place to write until class starts.

Next period is free so I have the rest of lunch and the next hour to spare.

I open the door, relieved to find it unlocked, and walk in. The door closes behind me, making an echoing sound throughout that large room.

The walls were painted maroon, making it dark and the only light were spotlights on the stage. The seats where black velvet and there was probably enough to for around 700 people.

I walk up to the stage and take a seat on the edge so I face the audience of empty chairs, my feet dangling, brushing the floor and I open my notebook.

I review what I have written when suddenly I hear a voice behind me.

"Zayn, what are you doing here?"

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