I don't know....

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I looked into his eyes feeling myself zoning out. Who could blame me ? It was The Kim Taehyung who asked me to be his girlfriend. But I didn't know what to say. As an army I've always fantasized about marrying my bias and living happily ever after. But that was just my fantasy.... Not realty.

It was unexpected for him to ask me all of a sudden. He didn't even know me properly... I've been in this world for almost 3 days now ..but that's it. And I don't know how many more to go... Only if I could stay here forever..
But Destiny wanted it otherwise. I suddenly felt a stinging pain in my head and I blacked out.

All I could feel was his arms wrapped around my torso trying to hold me up constantly calling my name ,a taehyung...


I woke up after what felt like an hour In a very familiar bed. It was their bedroom, I could feel their presence beside me.

"Y/N ? Are you okay now?" Asked Jimin as he saw me slowly opening my eyes.

"Yes Chim Chim... I'm okay.. but what happened all of a sudden? I don't remember anything" I said

"You fainted,maybe due to shock or excitement" namjoon said eyeing taehyung

"Uhuh? Great. But now I don't feel any more tiredness. I'm healthy as ever . But I feel like I wanna Know how much time I have here. I can't just live here forever. My parents,my friends..my whole world is back there. I need to find a way back. Maybe I can just wish for it " I said the most obvious solution to my question.

"But Y/N..."kookie tried to speak something but stopped midway.

I could see taehyung looking at me with clear disappointment. It was not long ago that he asked me to be his girdle and now I'm wishing to go back home.
Maybe I could spend some time here before going back.

"Guys...what if I spend some more time here before going back. I haven't been to Korea before and you guys could show me some."

"But...don't you guys think that even if I went back ,I could come back here by just using one my wishes? I came here using one. So I could come back here anytime right?" I asked them with curiosity.

"That could be an idea Y/N. This was you can meet your parents and us anytime" namjoon said with a smile.

Everyone was happy too... except taehyung. He looked a bit sad even after saying all these ideas.

"Hyungs.. I don't think this's a great idea. We don't know anything about  wishes. We should find out more about wishes before making any conclusion. What do u think about meeting the old lady who gave her these candles in the first place ." Taehyung said and everyone agreed.

"Common Y/N ,wish for us to meet that lady"  Jimin said as I closed my eyes and wished for it.

Suddenly a knock could be heard from the front door and Jin rushed to open it.

"Hello young man. I heard someone wished to see me " the woman said as she entered the room .

"Is it you who gave my friend those wishing candles? "I asked carefully earning a nod from her side

"I know you wish to learn more about the candles" she said as she carefully placed her worn out bag in a near the chair she was currently sitting on.

"Please help us with it"I said as we all patiently waited for her to continue.

"So you see.. those 17 candles are all wish fulfilling candles. I got it from a witch back in my home town. She said it'll fetch me a fortune if I sold it to someone on their birthday. They're the most beautiful gift anyone could get for their birthday,but tempting and evil at the same time. There are many points to keep in mind while making your wishes.
1) you can't bring back and used wish. Once a wish is,you can't unwish it and get another wish from the same candle.
2) the number if wishes you get depends upon your age. In your case you're 17 hence the 17 wishes
3) you can use the first 16 wishes however you want. But the last wish comes with a price. It's for you to find out.
4) there are two types of wishes. High frequency and low frequency wishes. Low frequency wishes are those you use for yourself,like buying a new dress or makeup or something of that sort and high frequency wishes are those which affect the life of others around you as well. Like yours .
Higher frequency wishes use up more than one wish candle. For example a wish to be famous Worldwide or Saving a life uses up 2 of your wish candles. And the one which uses the most up is time travel ..and that's what you've done here. You've lost 3 of your wishes when you made this wish in the first place

5) each wish used up when you time travel has a specific role in it. One for your body,soul and mind each. If you run out of wishes,you could lose either of the three when your wish comes true. You could end up loosing your body strength and end up in a wheelchair,or be in a coma forever if you lose ur soul and lose your memories forced if you lose your mind wish candle .So keep everything in your mind while using the rest of the wishes.
And last but not the least ..the most important point to remember.

You cannot live in this time period for a long period of time. You do not belong here and your body slowly starts to get tired of it. We're from the same world but different timelines. Everything around you is different. The air ,the surroundings everything.
That's what happened to you today sweetheart.your body suddenly felt weak . So when it's time don't hesitate to go back.

If you don't have enough wishes to return back to your timeline,and your body's weak , it'll automatically take you back with the disabilities you get due to that. Either you body,your soul or mind will get affected.

And just so you know...you don't need to use your wish to send me back. It was my birthday yesterday and I've got my candles with me"
She said before quickly disappearing into thin air.

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