Who are you?

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I woke up with the sound of banging on the doors. I slowly walked towards the door and opened it to see 3 armed men in front of the door. I quickly tried closing it but they broke in anyway.  I frantically tried to call the boys..they were out for training and I was home alone..I had expected them at the doorstep and not some bad ass men with guns and stuffs.

"Who are you?" I asked scared

"Who are we? Who the hell are you?what did that little girl tell you yesterday? Huh? You guys Know the truth don't you?? You wanna pay for it now? Huh?? Trust me princess ..it's not gonna be easy " he said and tried to touch my face.
I slapped his hand off my face. A frown appeared on his face when he heard my phone vibrating...it was the boys...but I couldn't reach the phone..he took it and threw it to a corner of the house.
He continued cornering me till my back hit the wall and I was trapped in between his hands. He slapped me across my face.His aura Killing me. I tried to wiggle away from his strong grip but I couldn't. He tried to kiss me but I couldn't escape. There was no one to help me. No one.i was alone in a room with 3 armed men ..even the boys could not help me in this situation. Suddenly a knock was heard from the front door and in came a worried taehyung. His face turned into one with anger as soon as he saw my state. He started throwing punches at the nearest man but the others knocked him out. But there was a smile on taehyung's face.

The three men rushed out the door but came back in soon after checking if anyone saw them .

"Yah pabo why did you come in if you called the police already? Huh? Look what they've done to you! Your hurt taehyung! "I screamed at him.

"They'll come any minute. I knew something was wrong when you didn't pick up the call.. and I was in the neighborhood so I rushed home and that's when I saw a black car parked in front of our house. I sensed something wrong and heard your voice from inside. The police told me to wait outside but I wanted to make sure your safe " he said and gave a sad smile

"I'm fine pabo...your the one bleeding more than me " said and hit his chest.

Suddenly we heard the sound of a police vehicle outside and felt relieved. But the black men didn't leave us.

"If we're dead then we'll make sure you die first" they said and took us out along with them pointing a gun at our heads.

The police along with the other bangtan members were anxiously waiting outside. They were shocked to see our state.

"If you don't let us go we'll kill them both." One of them said and loaded the guns.

The police tried reasoning with them but it was of no use. They wanted a way to escape and would go to any extents for that.

But they soon let us go and walk towards the police in assurance of their safety. But just before we reached safety a gun shot was heard and one of the three men were lying dead on the floor. The police shot them!

The other two men got really angry and shot the gun at me .

All I heard was the sound gun shot but I didn't feel any pain. Just ...nothing.. I opened my eyes to see taehyung lying in a pool of blood in front of me. He saved me ...... He sacrificed his life for me...The other black men were immediately shot to death by the police

I quickly bend down and took tae's body in my arms.. he was breathing rapidly . All the other boys rushed to our side. A crying Jungkook and a worried Jimin on one side and on the other the hyungs watched in terror as their taetae lie there breathing his last.

My vision got blurred as I watched him face lose its glow. I didn't have a mind to understand what was happening. Everything happened so fast giving me no time to comprehend.

The once boxy smiling lips  turned lifeless...those same lips he kissed me with.. his eyes which I admired the most lost it's shine. He just lied there Totally motionless. 

I cried and cried and nothing crossed my mind...and then it struck me
I could.make a wish.

"Boys... I'm gonna make a wish. I want my taetae back healthy and full of life  but I can't stay here anymore after that... I have only 4 wishes left and I'm gonna use two to bring him back. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys..but I used one to save his grandma. I'm really sorry and I love you guys.  I might leave before he comes...so please tell him I love him ok?"
With that I closed my eyes and wished....

Elixir of Time (Timetravel)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ