Chapter 3: My Boyfriend

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This is it, Liv!

This is do or die!

You have to confess now!

You can do it, girl!

Come on!

"Ryan?" I tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

He turned around and smiled when he saw me. His smile made me blush as I fidgeted with my hands.

"Umm... I-I wanted t-to tell y-you s-something..." I mentally slapped myself to Jupiter for stuttering like a fool in front of him.

Words, Liv! Speak words!

And don't you dare stutter again!

"Me too, Liv." Ryan replied.

Oh my gosh!

What do I say to that?

"W-what?" I asked.

This time, I mentally kicked myself off to Pluto for being so nervous with the guy I've known for as long as I can remember.

I would have actually slapped myself if Ryan wasn't standing right in front of me.

"I am really sorry for not talking to you all those years, Liv. And I want to rectify that mistake now." Ryan told me.

"Wait... What?!" I raised an eyebrow at him, raising an eyebrow at Ryan.

Purple Pigeons!

Did I just hear him say that?!

I suddenly started laughing as I looked around.

"Okay, you can ask the person with the camera to come out of the crowd now, Ry." I told him, still chuckling. "That was a good one!" I added.

"What are you talking about, Liv?" Ryan frowned at me in confusion.

"You are obviously trying to prank me." I shrugged. "Who put you up to this? Was it Kaylee?" I asked him as I placed my hands on my hips, trying to look a little bossy.

"It's not a prank, sweetheart." Kaylee's voice said as she came out of nowhere and stood next to Ryan.

"What is happening here?" I frowned when Ryan wrapped his arm around Kaylee's shoulders. "Have the mind-controlling aliens taken over?!" I questioned as I felt myself panicking.

Oh god! What if they take over my brain?!

What if they've already taken over my brain?!

If that's true, then it perfectly explains my thoughts while talking to Hunter a few minutes ago!

Oh my goodness! They have taken over my brain!

But then why are they letting me think that they have?

Okay, this is officially super crazy and super freaky!

"What are you-" Ryan was asking something as he frowned in confusion but Kaylee cut him off impatiently.

"Oh for the love of god!" She exclaimed, bringing my attention to her. "Ryan and I are dating!" She informed me.


That's what my brain was like...

Completely and utterly blank.

The only thought in my mind was: If some alien was controlling my brain, would that give me some kind of superpower?

But then Kaylee's words finally sunk in and my mouth formed an 'o'. I nodded my head in realisation when I saw how she was clinging to his side while he had his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

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