Chapter 9: Officially Cray-Cray

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Did you know... The first person convicted of speeding was going eight mph!

I mean, how unfair is that!

And... The heads on Easter Island have bodies!

How cool!

And did you know that rabbits can't puke!

Well... Okay, moving on...

Cotton-candy was actually invented by a dentist!

Like, was he just trying to spoil our teeth so we have to go to him more often?

And did you know that chewing gum boosts concentration?! And that showers really do spark creativity?

No wonder it takes me an hour to shower... I like sparkly creativity!

"What are you doing?" Hunter's voice brought me out of my train of thoughts.

"I'm reading a book full of random facts." I told him, showing him a big, thick book.

"Why?" Hunter frowned.

"What else can I do in detention?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

The only people in detention today were me, Hunter and a couple of kids who were fast asleep at the back. So I had no other way to entertain myself.

I mean, even the teacher-in-charge was snoring off! A little too loudly, might I add...

And then people ask why the schooling system is not that effective...

Pickle Pancakes!

"Why were you in the principal's office anyway?" He asked.

"Kaylee told me that you were going to get suspended because of me." I told him.

"What? How?" He frowned.

"She thought that you were the one who hurt me yesterday." I said, raising my hand to show him my wrist. "She told me that you were getting suspended because you were bullying me." I sighed.

How did I fall for that?

If someone is caught bullying, don't they ask the victim to tell the truth first?

I'm so dumb!

If what Kaylee said was true, I should have been called to the principal's office too.

Stupid Liv!

And now look at me!

It's all because of Kaylee!

"Why would anyone think that?" Hunter mumbled to himself.

"Because you aren't very likable. Any stupid rumor about you looks like the truth because no one really knows you." I answered honestly.

"Not very likable?" Hunter raised both his eyebrows at me.

"You aren't approachable at all, you look like someone who has skeletons in his closet and you don't talk to anyone." I counted off on my fingers. "Want me to continue?" I asked him in a serious voice.

"Geez! Thanks for sparing my feelings!" He scoffed.

Ah! The sarcasm... No wonder he doesn't really have too many friends...

"Oh! And you've never had a girlfriend." I added.

That should be enough, right?

"You've never had a boyfriend either." Hunter remarked.

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