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I was too dumbfounded to say more than that as I stared at him. His kindly green eyes turned up at the sides as he smiled at me, thick brown hair tied back neatly with no loose hairs.

I felt my body go slack as I continued to stare at him. My swords fell to my side, eyes still as wide. This moment didn't feel real. Something in me refused to believe it.

But it was my father.

The green eyes we shared. An aged scar below his right eye, a straight nose with a slight twist where it had once been broken in the past. A thick brown beard, trimmed to neatness barely a knuckle length below his chin. It had started to grey at the sides.

He took a step towards me. His cloak fluttered as he raised his arms towards me. It revealed a well-worn, familiar winter clothes, and a lean body u recognised. I felt my jaw close as he leaned into me and pulled me into a hug. He was warm. The scent was familiar. He was... He was my father.

His shoulder came up to my nose. I took a deep breath and felt my body relax further. Sidas stepped out from behind a tree. He looked confused. Too confused to move any further.

I raised my head to free my mouth from the hug. "It's my father."

Sidas' eyes widened and his jaw fell open. He was as surprised as I was. "Really?"

I nodded as much as I could with his shoulder under my chin. I felt my father shift, the arms around me moved away as he turned to look at Sidas. His arm went over my shoulder as he pulled me to his side. "You're the one who was fighting Emerys."

Sidas closed his jaw and moved forward cautiously. "Yes."

My father turned to look at me. There was concern in his eyes as he pulled away. "He got you pretty hard in the side, Emerys. Are you okay?"

"Sorry." Sidas mumbled as I nodded.

"It's okay." I couldn't feel the pain at the moment as my heart still pumped loudly in my chest. "You were the one watching us."

"Yes." He nodded as he continued to look me over. "I wanted to see who were the people you were with and judge them for myself." He frowned and looked away. "I didn't expect to be found out."

"You were also by our horses."

He shrugged. "I had to refill my canteen. It's a long ride here."

My eyes went around the area. "Where's Cira?"

"I had to tie her off the path after I entered the forest. The rest of the way only seemed to be navigable on foot. I figured I'd find a place and then bring her in."

"Cira... is..."

My eyes met Sidas' as I answered him. "His horse."

"Right." Sidas nodded. He switched the sword he held to his other hand and held out the free one. "I'm Sidas."

My father reached out to clasp his arm. "Alekto Tavarys."

It was custom in our village to take the father's name as the daughter's surname. The mother's name would be the son's surname. Orphans didn't have last names.

They both withdrew their arms and Sidas nodded to himself as he glanced between us. "She resembles you."

I frowned as father laughed. "Only the eyes. She looks more like her mother."

Sidas smiled at that. He lowered his head respectfully. "If you say so. Do you have a camp set up?"

"No." Father replied. "I had planned to take a while to judge the company Emerys is with before I left."

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