Chapter 1: Traffic light

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Disclaimer : This is my first time making a story and English is not my first language. I apologize if my grammar made you feel uncomfortable. Thank you! Enjoy reading!

I ran to school as I was scared to be late for class. The traffic light suddenly turns into red.

I stop as fast as I could as I saw the traffic light turns into red. But suddenly, I bumped into someone's back and fell on the ground.

"What the hell?" a boy turns his back to me.

"Im sorry I didnt see you comming I-" he cut my words before I could even finish.

"Are you blind!? Why are you running knowing this is a public place?" He said with an angry eye looking down at me.

I was in pain as my ass fell hard on the ground. I then, looked up. He saw me but instead, he turns around, rolled his eyes and ignored my situation.

Such a gentleman. I started to get pissed by the way he acts. I force myself to stand up and wiped the dirt on my butt.

Finally, the traffic light turns green and I was able to cross the street.

"Finally!" I ran again but before I continued my journey, I took a last glance at him.

To describe him, He was wearing a black hoodie covering his hair,  he was also wearing a mask, and carrying a guitar on his back.

Cool. I complimented him. He really looks so cool but he's a jerk.

I crossed the street and I continued my journey. Luckily, I arrived at school in time.

"Attention! Everyone!" Teacher said. "I will announce a new transferee student." Teacher let the transferee student enter our class.

I tilt my head to look at the transferee student. As the person walks in front, I noticed that he was wearing the same cloth as the boy earlier!

" Nice to meet you everyone I'm Lee Heesung and I'm the new transferee student." He introduced himself.

"YOU!" I said it out loud without thinking twice. I made everyone look at me as I began to realize what I just did, and felt embarrassed.

"Ms. Sim! May I help you?" Teacher asked. "Do you now him Ms. Sim?" Teacher ask again.

"Its not that I know him, its just that earlier this morning, I-" the teacher suddenly cut my words before I could even finished my words.

"Great then! Since you know each other, why wont you be his friend and tour him around our school?" The teacher was so annoying. "Are you fine with it ms. Kim?" She glared.

"Um... well.... it- it's fine!" I mumbled. It's not like I can disagree with a teacher! I just wanna jump off the window.

"Great then! mr. Lee you can now sit behind ms. Sim as the seat behind her is emty." I widened my eye. I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed in anger.

Right then, I saw him smirking in annoyance and then rolled his eye to me. The audacity! I just want to kick his ass to revenge from earlier.

After that, he sat but he suddenly kicked my chair then puts an innocent look to not be obvious.

"Um, so about this morning, I'm really sorry." I tried to make a conversation to break the awkwardness as we walk through the hallways to tour him around the school.

"Just shout your mouth."  He said coldly. "He's literally testing my patience."  I walked slow and followed him from behind making my fist looking like I will punch that guy. He then turns his head and I faked a smile.

After we finished the tour, I sat on my chair to relax and eat my food in peace. I look at the window, and I saw him, Lee Heesung. "I wonder why he's so cold." I was devastated to feel hated.

"Its finally the last subject of the day!" I said to my friend Jang Yangjin. "I can finally go home and sleep!" I said.

As I stood up from my seat, I noticed Heeseung sleeping. "Should I wake him up?" I asked Yangjin. "You probably should, he might sleep here til late at night, poor dude." Yangjin said. I'll be feeling guilty if I left a person inside the classroom so I decided to wake him up.

"I'll go out first" Yangjin replied as she walks away. "YAH! WHY ARE YOU LEAVING ME!" She ignored my words then continued her journey.

"HEY! WAKE UP!" I shouted but still didn't get any response. I walk towards him, then I noticed his earphones. "I see..." though he was wearing a mask, he's cheek was was pushed by his hand.  I carefully pointed  his cheek, silently admiring his looks.

He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at me for a sec. I stared back of course.

He finally came back to his sense and pick up his back before going towards the door. "YAH!" He didn't turned back. "How rude, he didn't even say goodbye or say thanks."

"Look at this Yangjin!" Yangjin and I went into a manga shop.  "It's the latest chapter!" I was a huge fan watching anime so I often buy manga's.

"Should I buy this?" I was having second thoughts so I asked. "You should!" She said. I nodded as a response.

"I'll be back! I will just pay for this." She nodded and I walk towards the cashier to pay for the manga.

I was on my way to the counter and I took a glance at the cashier, counting for a customer's change.

Our eyes met and I saw a familiar look. "Lee Heesung?" He wasn't wearing a mask, but I recognize him just by looking at his eyes.

He signed to shh, he moves closer to me to cover my mouth. "You talk a lot do yah?" He whispered. "Sorry, I never thought you worked here?" I whispered at him too.

"It's cause I needed money dumbass." he said. "Why are you whispering?" I was still on my whispering mode. "Someone might see me from our school and make fun of me." he said.

"Don't be scared, it's normal to work at such a young age, perhaps it's amazing to be independent." I smiled and hand him the money. I eventually said to keep the change. He declined my offer but I argued so he agreed. I walked away and went to where I left my friend.

"What took you so long?" Yangjin asked.

"Nothing, just had a little talk with the cashier." I smiled while reaching for her arms so I can lock it up to mine. Then we left and went home together.

I arrived at home and I ate my dinner.

I washed up, and headed straight to my room.

I lay on my bed and grabbed my phone, I scrolled through all the apps then decided to watch YouTube.

I scrolled to find a video to watch.

Then, I saw a video singing a cover of  'Tired of love song' it has 1.8k viewers and it was posted 3 weeks ago. It made me interest so I pressed the video and listened to it.

His voice was like an Angel singing you lullaby to sleep. A voice that makes you calm. A guitar strummed by his finger perfectly tuned. It was a natural talent.

"What a great voice... He's so talented..." I clicked his channel and clicked the subscribe button.

I keep stalking to his channel. "When will be the next update? It was the only video he had." I sighed. He deserved so much attention.

I smiled as I put my phone on my side table. I turn off the lamp, and closed my eyes and falls asleep.

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