Chapter 7: Beach Day

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It was school break and all the groups of friends in our class gathered to plan their activities.

Me and Jangmin decided to go on a beach but many of our classmates wants to join us. "Can we join?" It was 4 of them. "The more the merrier!" I agreed, then many noticed that everyone was gathering at us so they decided to go as well.

"What about you Heeseung?" I ask. "Nah I'm good, I just want to sleep." I pout "Come on! Don't be such a bummer!" He looks at me having second thoughts. "Fine. I will just go cause you force me." He sigh.

"Can we join?" Suddenly a group with 3 girls includes themselves of joining. "Sure why not?" I said as I regret when I saw who was joining. Winnie. "How kind of you Maechi!" She faked her great fullness as she put her lollipop inside her mouth and walks away.

After that, she leaves with a grin. What a plastic. Jangmin suddenly put her arms around me. "I hate her too." I laughed.

*/Group chat/*

Maechi: let's meet at 8 am! Let's rent a van.
Jangmin: I will go to your house.
Liam: I can bring extra food!
Nini: Great! I'll take a lot of pictures!
Joe: I'll bring beers.
Nini: We're minors 🙄
Kaeti: So you wanna get us into the bars.
Winnie: Come on guys! It's just a beer it 🥺
Nini: Oh! Shut up Winnie!
Kim: I can only bring myself.
Maechi: Let's just all have fun! No stressing! See you!
Nini: ;/

Liam reacted "💗" to your message

Winnie: Cya! 🤩

Liam reacted "👍" to your message


After chatting with my classmates, I instantly texted Heeseung but suddenly I remember his phone was not available. "How dumb of me. I forgot to fetch his phone for him as I promised. And I don't have his number." I just flew my phone and wished he could come tomorrow.

The sun rise, as I pack my things to go outside. I grabbed my phone and texted them.

*/Group Chat/*

Maechi: Are you guys ready?
Jangmin: I'm coming to your house.
Nini: Me and Liam are on our way!
(7 other members seen)


I was about to step outside when I couldn't open the door. It felt like some heavy material was stopping it. So I used my force and push the door.

"Ouch." I saw Heeseung flew from the door and landed on the ground. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! Did it hurt?" He stand up and wipe his butt. "It's okay, it was my fault to sleep at your door." Frustration. "You slept here last night?" He shake his head. "No, I arrive here 2 hours ago since I couldn't contact you." I see.

Jangmin arrived at my house so loud. " My Mae-" she stop as soon as she saw Heeseung. "Did I bother you guys?" I glare at her. "Ofcourse not!" She laugh and we walk to rent a van.

"Did you have a breakfast?" I ask. "No I'm fine." Heeseung said "I'm hungry feed me my friend!" Jangmin joined the conversation. "Oh shut up Jangmin!" She then make a puppy eye.

"You can have my bread." I handed it to Heeseung as he refuse but I put it to his hand. "As for you... Fine! I'll give you one too." She happily took and ate my bread.

"Goodmorning Maechi!" Nini and Liam waved as well as the others exept- "Heeseung! I didn't know you where going too!" She grabbed his arm without any second thoughts.

"She's a bitch." Jangmin whispered. "Let her be." Jangmin ticks her tongue.

Finally, we got our rented van and sit accordingly as we like. I chose to sit at the back of the driver, beside me was the window. Jangmin was about to sit right next to me but before she enters, she pushed Heeseung. "Omg! Can you move? Go sit next to her!" She acted and wink right away.

As expected Heeseung didn't make a problem with it and sat right next to me. I can smell his scent was strong that you could never imagine and I can Alain feel his arms touching mine. I know it will be the best trip.

"Are you alright sitting there?" He asked. Omg, don't tell me he's concern!?

"I- ahm! I'm fine thank you." I look in front as I felt nervous. "Okay." He closed his eyes to take a nap before the van even started.

"I am going to sit next to Heeseung!" Winnie fought with Jangmin as she was already beside Heeseung before Winnie could even. "I was here first, you sit at the back." She period her words.

Everyone was noisy as Heeseung was minding his own business. He had his white headset as his music was so loud that I could here it's beat.

It will be a 5 hours drive so it will be exhausting. I closed my eyes as I saw others around me dozing off.

I suddenly felt a heavy thing on my shoulder. I took a glimpse but as soon as I peek, it was Heeseung who fell asleep and lay his head on my shoulder.

Are you kidding right now? I instantly look at Jangmin who had her phone and took a video of what just happen. "Are you serious? Help me!" She shake her head as she took a last pic and slept. What the f is happening.

I tried to ignore but I just can't. His hair smells like a cotton candy and so fluffy. I can't control my hands so I grabbed his hair but he suddenly move.

He was not awake but his head was now much more close to mine. Calm down Maechi. This is a rare moment of life so enjoy and stay calm. I can actually feel the beat of my heart.

Me and Heeseung was woken up by Jangmin. "Hey lovebirds! Wake up!" I instantly stands up as I  bumped my head in the car as I forgot we're in a van. "Owh!" Heeseung instantly pat my head as I felt pain but a butterfly in my stomach.

"Are you okay? Don't be so clumsy!" He scolded me but I was not mad. "Ye- yeah!" I smiled as I saw a teasing face of Jangmin at the back.

"Gather around! As we agreed on school! This will be a three days and two nights trip. Equal of three days." Everyone was happy and loud as they form a group to who to sleep with.

I grabbed Jangmin and we built our own tent. "The breeze is so strong isn't it?" I smelled the air and it felt so refreshing.

"I just want to dive in right now." Jangmin said.

"Yah! Whose coming with me to change cloth?" Nini said. "Me!" "Me!!" "Me!" Everyone was loud. "Not you boys! Only the girls." I laughed.

"They're already ready to swim?" Jangmin said. I laughed as we continue to build our tent.

I saw Heeseung and I called him. "Heeseung! Whose tent are you sleeping with?" He pointed at Joe and Liam. "Them." He put his hand to his pocket and help his group to build their tent.

"Why want to sleep with him?" Jangmin teased me again. "No! Stop it Jangmin!"

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