Chapter 4: Brother

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"Finally! Tomorrow is Saturday!" I put my hands up in the sky to express my joy.

Suddenly, a honking behind me made me jump.

"What the-" as I look at the direction, a motorcycle passed right beside me.

"Yah! Slow your motor cycle dumbass!" The driver finally stop as I noticing his uniform was just same as mine. "Yah! You- you! You might go to jail!"

He removed his helmet and brush his hair. "If I were you, I would apologize." I crossed my arms as he looked back.

"You shouldn't be careless old woman." I was annoyed as I slowly noticed his face, it's.. my...

Brother, Sim Jaeyun...

"JAEYUN!!! YOU STUPID BRAT! COME HERE YOU JERK!" I grabbed my slippers that I wore on my feet and run after him.

"HEY! HEY! HEY!!! Chill no need to be abusive noona!" He parked his bike as fast as he can and hides behind the motorcycle.

"You think I won't get you? Just wait until I will! I'm gonna throw this slippers to you!" I jumped over the motorcycle and I finally caught him.

"Okay I'm sorry!" He beg for forgiveness.

"It's not just about the motorcycle that nearly hit me kid but whose motorcycle is that! Did you rob it? If you did! Just hide from now on..." he shakes his head aggressively.

"NO.. no.. no! I just borrowed it from a friend! I swear!" He was sincere so I trusted and let him go.

"Now. Let me ask you one more thing, where did you come from last night? You went home 12! Midnight" I asked.

"I- I was just with a friend." An answer that was doubtful.

"I know you wouldn't tell me, so just be careful." I gave him a last look and walked again to school.

I arrived at school and all the girls around me was looking behind my back, waving, giggling, and flirting.

I was like what is wrong with them but when I turn around it was again, my brother. Flirting back, waving at the girls.

I saw my bestfriend and I ran towards her direction. "Goodmorning!" She was wearing her earphones and removed the other side, as she noticed me.

"Hey!" she locked our arms and turns towards the direction where everyone was noisy "Oh! That's your brother right? He's looks so popular." She rolled her eyes as my brother gave her a look.

"Oh, I guess my brother's interested at my best friend." I teased as she rolled her eyes to me.

At the table, I open my book on the chapter my teacher told us. I faced in front and listed to what she was saying.

Suddenly, my teacher said my name and ask "Did you know where Heeseung is?" I turned back and notice he wasn't there.

"No I didn't." I replied.

I sit back as I didn't notice he was absent. He was always so quiet so I didn't bother and think about some reasons why he was absent.

Is he still upset about his phone? Does he had a fever? Does he hate me now?

It was lunch as I went to the cafeteria to eat with Yangjin. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yes I am, why?" I replied. "You look like your puppy was gone missing." She teased as she ate her bread.

It was afternoon class, I walked in the hallway as I took a glimpse at our classroom.

"Heeseung?" I said, as I saw a figure laying down on his desk making his bag as his pillow.

I ran closer to him as I was right. It was Him. Heeseung.

"Heeseung!" I happily greet him as he tilt his head upward. "Where have you been! Why are you abse-" The moment stop for a while as the golden sun shines on his face making him looking more attractive.

He slowly got up as he rubbed his eyes "Oh... I went somewhere important." He replied brushing his hair yawning.

"Important? How important was it?" I asked.

"Very important that I bet my life on it." His eyes was full of passion as he said those words.

"I see..." I was sulking as I thought he was going to tell me but he was a mystery. A very mystery.

It was the end of the class and I saw Heeseung rushing unusual. I tried to ask and reach for him but he was to fast.

Why is he so busy? I refused to ask.

I walk in the hallway and walk towards the gate. Everybody was slowly disappearing...

But I'm still looking for him.

I decided to check on the comic store where he was working to buy some new manga and maybe... check for him too.

I arrived at the bookstore and head directly towards the cashier, but it wasn't him.

I asked if he saw Heeseung but he didn't.

He wasn't there.

"I guessed he's very busy." I sighed but I was confused at myself, why? Why do I care? We have been friends for like- weeks!

I went out empty handed. I didn't get any chance to buy a comic since I was too down for it.

"I'm home!" I arrived at home and walk towards the kitchen to cheer myself up.

Suddenly, an arm landed on my shoulder.

"What do you want?" I rolled my eyes.

"My dear Noona!" My younger brother said.
"Why are you so blue! Cheer up!" He teased me but I wasn't on the mood so I left and went to my room.

"Gosh why does he make me feel this way? I've just known him for awhile yet..." suddenly my door slammed open.

"Yah! Buy me food!" A brat suddenly appeared.

"You have your own feet! Use it before I chop it off for you!" I just want to shut my brother up.

"Aren't you gonna miss me? I will be going soon! Now let's have a moment before you'll miss me." I made my hoodie cover my face but my brother was so strong and he carried me out.

"Yah this will be the last time I'll be buying ice cream for you Jaeyun." I said.

"I know that's why buy it for me before I leave." My brother was adorable so I patted his head and ruin his hair.

"Stop! Your gonna ruin my beautiful hair noona!" He ran and I followed. We laughed and after we bought an ice cream, we went home.

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