Chapter 13

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Jethro takes out another ring, identical to the ring he had just given Jack. "These rings symbolize our love for each other, well the diamond in it does. By putting these rings on, we promise each other to only fight over something worth fighting over, try to fight as little as we can, and love each other no matter what stands in our way," Jethro says. "Well, I agree," Jack says. She leans in and kisses Jethro, sliding the ring on his finger as she does.

When Jack pulls away, she asks, "Can we get married?," she has a look of hope and tension. "You mean now? Today?," Jethro asks. She nods. "Well, if you really want to, yes," he says.

About ten minutes later, Jack had found and bought a beautiful white dress. (The picture of the dress will be at the end of the story.) Jethro had found a wonderful black suit and tie. (Again, the picture of the suit will be at the end of the story.) They were of course not in the same places when they found them because it was bad luck to see the bride on her wedding day.

Everyone was invited and surprisingly came. They decided to do the wedding in Jethro's house since that's the place where the two first met. The front door was going to be the altar. They would walk down the aisle from the kitchen. They all had separate jobs.

It was Ziva's job to decorate the house for the occasion. It was Ellie's job to get Jack ready. Nick's job was supposed to get Jethro ready. Faith was supposed to pick out the music. Vance's job was to walk Jack down the aisle. Jethro and Jack were supposed to hold it together, have fun and be happy.

It was now time to walk down the aisle. Nick, Jethro, and Tony all walked down the aisle. Then, Ellie, Faith, and Ziva walk down the aisle. The song "Here comes the bride" comes on and the audience stands up and waits for Jack to walk down the aisle. She doesn't come out and everyone sits down.

Ellie runs down the aisle and into the kitchen. "Hey, what's going on?," she asks Jack. She notices that Jack is sitting on a kitchen chair with tears in her eyes. She was holding back from crying because the makeup she had on was expensive and took too long to put on. She took a deep breath and told Ellie.

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