Chapter 23

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"Three?," she asks. "Yeah. In case they're born early. I don't want to put that in your head but it could happen. You never know. And no matter what happens, we'll love them," he says.

About 3 months later, Jack and Jethro were driving to the hospital to get her cast off. For those three months, Jethro restricted her from everything and she hated it. They had even gotten into several arguments. They had one before leaving the house about five minutes ago too. Neither one had said sorry. It was toxic and Jack started to think about it.

They could 100% do better. What the hell were they doing? Jack took a deep breath and reached for Jethro's hand. He jerked it away and she understood why. "Hey,"

"I'm sorry, really. These past months have been crazy. And I know you were trying to help, and I love that about you but it stressed me a bit out. I'm not blaming anything on you, I just am so tired of us fighting every two seconds. It's toxic,"

"I've been hurting because of the babies and it's just a lot. I'm not saying that you haven't been experiencing a lot or that I'm more important, I'm just trying to say that I love you, Cowboy-woah I haven't said those words in three months. I love you and I don't want to fight with you anymore. I know that you're still mad at me-," Jack says but is cut off by her husband. "I'm not mad at you, Jack,"

"I just... I don't know. I wanted to help you and us fighting... I don't want us to fight either. I've just been stressed out with everything too and I don't want you to get hurt and have to wear that damn cast anymore. I love you, too, babe," Jethro says, takes Jack's hand and squeezes it. They pull up to the hospital and Jack looks at Jethro. "Cowboy, my water just broke," she says. "For real?," he asks. "For real," Jack responds. Jethro parks the car in the nearest parking spot and gets out. He runs over to Jack's door and opens it.

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