Chapter 20

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Jethro stares at Jack. "You're pregnant? Why'd you say those things on the phone then? Why'd you run away?," Jethro asks. "I didn't know if you'd want it. After what happened with Kelly, I didn't know for sure. I didn't want to break your heart and I didn't know when to tell you and that's why I ran away," Jack explains.

"Oh. Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry, honey. I just accused you of something I knew you would never do. And I love you, Jack,"

"More than I've ever loved a person before. I want to keep it. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have assumed anything," he says. "It's okay,"

"I should've been honest with you. I'm sorry, too. I love you, Cowboy," Jack says. "I love you, too, honey," Jethro says and kisses Jack's lips. He then kneels down and kisses Jack's stomach.

About five months later, Jack and Jethro were driving back to their house. They were both talking about their day at work. There was a gush of wind and then a crash. Jethro looked around. Someone had just rear-ended them into the car in front of them.

He managed to unbuckle his seat belt and looked over at his wife. She was unconscious. He groaned as he pulled himself over to her. He checked her pulse. It was faint but it was still there.

He started to perform CPR on her. "Come on, Jack. Please. I can't lose you," he started to yell. He took a deep breath and started to pray.

Tis' the Season - Slibbs OneShot ~ Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now