Chapter 22

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Jack opened her eyes and sighed in relief when she saw Jethro sitting next to her. She realized it was a dream and she took a breath. "It was just a nightmare, babe. You're alright," Jethro says, squeezing her hand. "Yeah,"

"I know. But you were shot. My goodness. Thank God," she says, still in shock. She tries to sit up, but she groans and lays back down.

Jethro leans over to Jack and hugs her; knowing that's what she wanted. A few minutes later, the doctor comes in and tells them the good and the bad news. "Do you want the good or the bad news?," the doctor asks. "The bad news," both Jack and Jethro say at the same time. "The bad news is that your leg is broken in three different parts and you won't get your cast off for three more months," the doctor says.

Jack groans but knows it's for the best. "So what's the good news?," Jack asks. "Your husband is doing fine and so's the baby," the doctor says and Jacks starts cheering. "Yes. Thank you," Jack says.

"But, you're having twins. A boy and a girl," the doctor says. The doctor ends up leaving and Jack is in shock. "What's wrong, honey?," Jethro asks when he sees her face. "We can't take care of them,"

"There's two of them! We weren't planning for this. I don't know what we'll be able to do," Jack says, freaking out. "Babe, it's gonna be okay. We weren't planning this but God knew that this was going to happen,"

"This is what is supposed to happen. We can take care of them. We may need help; which I know you don't like asking for, and neither do I but we'll need help. We're gonna get through this. Besides, we have at least three months to plan," Jethro says.

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