Chapter 30

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Jack's eyes opened and she smiled, realizing that it was Christmas. She looked around the room and her eyes stopped at the rings on her finger. She couldn't believe it had now been exactly a year since she and Jethro got married. She pushed herself off of her husband's bare chest and walked to the kitchen. She was going to make breakfast for him like she had done a year ago.

After she finished the last plate of food, she turned around and saw Jethro sitting in front of her. "Oh, you thought you could startle me again?," she asks and sets the plate down. "No, I was trying to scare you again," Jethro says. "Again? You've never scared me," she says. "Yeah okay," Jethro says and they both chuckled.

It was hours later and Jethro was down in his basement, thinking about asking Jack out for their anniversary. He thought it was a good idea so he went upstairs to do it. He saw that she was on the couch watching Indiana Jones. He sat down next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Jack, you wanna go out for dinner?," he asks her.

No response. "Somethin' wrong?," No response again. He realized that with everything today, he hadn't said the words happy anniversary to her. "Happy Anniversary, babe. I'm so sorry that I didn't say it sooner,"

"There's no excuse for it. I should've told you and I didn't. I knew it was our anniversary but I never said anything. I'm so sorry. You probably want your space-," he says but is cut off by his wife.

"It's not that. I'm pregnant Jethro, I'm pregnant," she says and in that moment Jethro kissed her. All fairy tales end in a happily ever after but this, this story just ends. But it ends in the best way. A true love's kiss.

 A true love's kiss

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Tis' the Season - Slibbs OneShot ~ Christmas SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now