TWENTY-TWO: Happy! Scared! & Proof?!

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(Time Skip 8:00 a.m.)


Aubrey Barrett's (POV)

After a very eventful and happy evening we slept well and woke this morning refreshed and ready for the day. I'm still buzzing from our playtime together as we fix breakfast, well to be honest Ma is doing all the work while Mom and I watch.

I love watching Ma cook, she always looks like she's floating or dancing across the kitchen, like she genuinely loves it. For me, it's amazing to see someone I love doing something that makes them so happy and at peace. Sighing, I lean my elbow on the table and rest my head in my hand, swinging my legs back and forth as I watch.

A chuckle from beside me draws my attention and I look up to Mom's amused face.

"Whaaaat?!" I ask, drawing out the question and pursing my lips afterwards.

She smiles, blowing me a kiss. "Nothing love Bird, just enjoying watching my girls."

Even though I was doing the same thing I know I'm blushing, so I decide to stick my tongue out in response. She chuckles and tries to catch my tongue, but she's not fast enough for me!

"How are you feeling after last night, my dear?" she asks, finishing it off with a wink that turns into a smirk.

"Oh no, don't you start," I gasp, pointing my finger at her and sitting up straight. "It's hard enough trying not to slip without you purposely getting my riled up! Nuh Uh!"

"Love you too baby girl," she chuckles.

I try to use my last secret weapon, pouting with my arms crossed. Unfortunately she seems to be on to my game because she's quietly laughing as she watches me over her cup of coffee. I give up on her and look back towards Margaret who is still dancing across the floor from the pan to the toaster. I resume my position, with my head on my hand, sighing then settling into a smile as I watch her.

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