TWENTY-NINE: Talk! Baking Fun yet Disaster! & Finished Decorating!

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[TWENTY-NINE] [Long Ass Chapter!]

(Time 5:15 p.m. Monday Still)

Margaret Ann Pearce's (POV)

"Where's Aubrey?"

The first thing I saw when I turned around was my love standing alone, our baby nowhere in sight. Sarah's face that had been smiling up at the tree turns to confusion, then when she looks around and confirms our baby's no longer standing next to her, her face shifts to terror.

The instant thought that hits me is the crazy woman has escaped and taken our baby, while my heart tries to beat out of my chest.

Sarah has started to cry, her head shooting in every direction trying to find Aubrey. I grab her hand, trying to help her stay calm as I pull her around the immediate area and start looking. It doesn't take long until I spot a tiny figure staring off into space only a few trees down in the aisle behind the tree we were looking at.

As I rush over the fear of losing her again hits me full force and that fear falls out of my mouth as I grab her arm.

"Don't ever do that again baby girl! We could have really lost you this time! I know this is a small town and we know mostly everyone, but someone could have taken you!"

Aubrey screams, pulling away and trying to pry my hand from her arm. I immediately loosen my grip but don't let go completely, worried she'll run if I do.

"Baby girl? You're okay."

Speaking softly to her helps because she seems to realize that it's me, but she bursts into tears, right before slipping fully. I pull her into my arms and she clings to me as I hug her close, rocking her as she cries.

Sarah's not really in any better shape so I pull her into us, kissing her head. "We got her love. She's okay, just a little scared. I think she got excited and slipped a bit, that's why she wandered off."

"This should n-never happen! N-not again!" she cries out into my neck, shaking her head and gripping my sweater tight, just like our baby is.

"I know baby," I whisper into her ear, trying to soothe her even more. "But she's okay. Why don't you take her and go back to the truck while I get our tree? I know she loves it and I don't want to just leave without getting it."

Sarah sniffles, still looking down, then nods and wipes her eyes while Aubrey hiccups, still crying into my chest.

"Go with Mommy baby girl," I say as I bounce her lightly. "Momma's going to get our tree." She whimpers and clings tighter.

"Come here baby, Mommy needs snuggles." Little Aubrey peeks out from my chest to look at her mommy, before nodding and reaching out for her. The moment she's in my wife's arms she starts to try and pull her sweater down. I kiss both my wife and our girl before they hurry off to the truck so Sarah can feed her.

As soon as they're out of view I make my way back to the tree we picked out, trying to find someone to help me. Spotting Ericson Drake fairly quickly, I wave and he walks towards me smiling.

"Find one you like, Margaret?" I nod and point to the twenty foot tall blue spruce.

"I never seen you and Sarah get such a big tree before," he says with a smile. At the same time he waves to one of his sons to come help him get the tree to our truck and I chat with him along the way.

"Have you met Aubrey Barrett? She recently moved here?"

"Sure, we helped build her house and she gave us so much business we were over our annual profit last year!"

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