The Dark Forest

289 16 3

March 31/2015
"BUT MOM" I yelled in annoyance at my mom obviously.
"I don't want to go to that horrible school! Did you even see how badly that stupid girl treated me? I am NEVER going to that school!"
"EXCUSE ME YOUNG LADY YOU WILL NOT TALK TO YOUR MOTHER THAT WAY!!!" Bellowed my dad. I suppose I haven't introduced my self have I, I'm Moore, Rachell Moore. I live in this smallish cottage right smack in the middle of the busy little town of Chinatown (not the real one). Hmm it's pretty boring here nothing much to do other then your daily run of the mill life.
"Then how do I speak to mom? Like a BANSHEE?" And with that I stomped up the stairs to my teal and grey painted room with matching furniture. I lay down on my bed and started thinking.
"That's it! I'll show them!" I grabbed my camping back pack and put like 20 different pairs of every type of clothing item from shirts to shoes,then I grabbed a compass,a flashlight,

a sleeping bag,a lighter,my phone and a water bottle full of water from the bathroom.(don't judge.)I went over to the window and opened it. I tied some rope to the handle of my backpack a lowered it down, luckily there are no windows right there, so my parents couldn't have seen me lowering my backpack down. I tied the other end of the rope to the bed post then I went over to the window and shimmied down the rope, when I got to the bottom I untied my backpack and yanked on the rope until it got looses and fell down. tucking the rope into my back pack I started my long trek into the woods.

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