Training 101

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A/N: Hi guys, so the pic above is Rachel's weapon. it's a scythe!!!

Rachel's P.O.V. April/4/2015
"All right the key to concentration is to focus." said Leo. We were all in the training room and the guys were training me to be a kunoitchi. (That's a girl ninja.)
"Now try and hit all the stands with your scythe. And remember it's okay if you mess up." I took a deep breath then ran to the nearest stand crushing it then jumping to the next and crushing it then again and again until there were no more stands, just piles of wood. I looked at everyone and there mouths were hanging open in shock and amazement.
"What?" I asked
"Du- wha- I huh?" Leo spluttered.
"Well you don't have to be that amazed about it. gosh!" I said rather hotly. Raphael smirked and Mikey and Donnie were regaining composure while Leo was still spluttering.
" Phew I'm beat! Hey Mikey race you to the fridge! And I'm gonna win!"
"Hah yeah right, as if!!!" Yelled Mikey.
I slammed into the fridge making something meow.
"Huh?" I opened the freezer and there was a mass if Neapolitan ice cream pooling in the fridge.
"ICE CREAM KITTY!" Mikey yelled in alarm. Then a head popped out of the mass.
"AHHHHHHHH! there's a head in the ice cream!!!!"
"No no no no that's ice cream kitty she accidentally got mutated with some ice cream and now she lives in our freezer!" Explained Mikey.
"Okay then." I said with a thought that I'm talking to a crazy person, or turtle for that matter.
"HEY GUYS SPACE EXPLORERS IS ON!!!!" Yelled Leo from the living room. I walked into the living room and said
"Oh not Space Explorers..."
"*GASP* you don't like Space Explorers?!?!"
"No, my little cousin watches it all the time when he comes over and forces me too watch it..."
"Speaking of family what about them are you going to go back? Not that I don't like you or anything I like you, no wait I like you as a friend." Raphael said while blushing like a cherry. Mikey snickered at Raph and he punched him.
"Well I'll probably just go find or build a shelter."
"Nonsense you can stay here for now!" Said Leo.
"But where will I sleep?"
"You can have my room, I can sleep on the couch." Raphael said.
"Oh I couldn't I'll sleep on the couch really."
" I refuse to let you do that."
" Fine if you really really really really really really really really really really really really really REALLY want to."
"It's decided then." I caught Leo glare at Raph and Raph gave a 'what' look.
"Raph can I see you outside for a sec?" Asked Leo
"Sure." Then Leo and Raph walked outside.
"Whoa Leo would miss Space Explorers to talk to Raphael wow." Mikey was apparently in awe. Donnie rolled his eyes, April tried to stifle a giggle.
"I heard that Mikey!" Yelled Raph from outside.

A/N: I thought that last part might be funny! Well what do you guys think is gonna happen? AND PLZ TELL ME IF MY BOOK IS GOOD OR NOT I HAVENT GOTTEN BATELY ANY COMMENT BUT THERES ALOT IF READERS PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you-Ces/PhantomSkye/Pokemon Champion!!!!!🐯🐯🐯🐯🐯🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐍🐢🐍🐢🐍🐣🐔🐥🐦🐽🐨🐮🐨🐷🐯🐹🐺🐽🐻🐽🐨🐮🐨🐽🐴🐹🐨🐮🐨🐮🐻🐘🐻🐹🐺🐰🐨🐽🐭🐨🐽🐶🐰🐯🐮🐻🐹🐰🐯🐽🐴🐹🐺🐮🐻🐽🐻🐹🐺🐮🐴🐽🐴🐘🐴🐑🐵.

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