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Rachel's P.O.V. April/5/2015

It's about 11:00 pm I know I should be asleep but I just couldn't, I like Raph and and I can't let him know I'm a freak, I may looks like the average girl but I have a BIG secret. I can't even look at myself right now I'm just ugh. I'm just gonna mentally scream it in my head....IM A FREAKIN SHAPE-SHIFTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That felt good to get off my chest. Allow me too explain I can turn into anything I want but I'm new at this so I can't control it plus it's painful to do so...ya. I can also heal any living thing. I will explain the rest of the story later so...I'm gonna go to sleep now.

The next morning:Leo's P.O.V
When I was talking to Raph outside well this is how it went oh and this:L=Leo and R=Raph.
L: what were you doing earlier? I was looking all over for you I called then you said what' then didn't say anything else.
R:I was thinking okay, now lay off.
L: I understand you have some feelings for this girl okay. But you can't just run off we were all worried about you.
L: calm down okay it's not that big a deal.
R: you were just saying how it made every one upset!!!!!!!!!
L: we'll talk about his later okay?!
And that's what happened I'm gonna go check on Rachel she went back up to Raph's room after break fast. I knock on the door to the room and I say"hey its Leo can I come in?"
"Sure." I twist the doorknob and walk in shutting the door behind me.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a little shocked that I'm living with a bunch of turtles!"
"Haha well it's not everyday that you meet giant mutant ninja turtles. Why don't you come downstairs?"
"I don't know. I have a question, can you guys read minds?"
"Not that I know of."
"Oh well then let's go downstairs."
As me and Rachel were walking down the stairs Raph shot me a devastated look the turned away and said
"I'll be outside."rather grumpily.
"What was that all about?" Rachel asked.
"I have no idea." I replied.

A/N: I was listening to Ariana Grande's break free song when I wrote the first part... don't judge it was just the moment it was just... Perfect timing right there. Later peeps!!!!

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