Training... Again Video⬆️⬆️⬆️

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Rachel's P.O.V
We were all training, Leo, Donnie and Mikey didn't know I had my shape shifting under control yet so me and Raph decided to prank the poop out of them.

"Rachel, jump kick!" Yelled Leo
"Well sorry just telling you what to do."
"Uh huh sure." I dropped to the floor pretending to be in pain, I started to take form.
"Run save your selves!" I glanced at everyone, Raph was trying not to laugh and every one else was looking either scared or worried. Then when I shook myself, I was a huge lion. I started to stare intently at Mikey and made low, rumbling sounds. Mikey froze and stared at me wide eyed saying.
"Nice kitty,nice kitty, don't hurt the nice and, dare I say,handsome turtle." Raph couldn't hold it in anymore, he started laughing and dropped to the floor, rolling about the place. I couldn't take it anymore either, I started to lose shape and was human again and started laughing. Raph and I were laughing so hard we were crying. we finally started to calm down and we looked at everyone's faces, they did not look like happy campers.
"Um Rachel." Said Donnie in a kind voice.
"Could you kindly tell us... WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!!!!!!" He exploded with fire in his eyes.
"Oh but I thought you knew..." I said teasingly.
"I can now shape- shift at will." They all stared ( except for Raph.) Then Mikey exploded
"Ugh fine." I said taking form. Soon I was an adorable little kitten. Mikey scooped me up and started stroking my fur. Then I leapt out of his hands and took human shape.
"Awwwwwww..." Mikey said with a frown and a sad expression.
"I hungry, I could go for some turtle- soup!" I stared teasingly at Mikey. He gulped so loudly and started shaking, Leo came up to him and patted his head. I went to the fridge and grabbed stuff to make a cheese and pickle samich, when I finished I put everything away and when I turned to get my sandwich, it was gone! Right off the plate, nothing but crumbs!
"So... the sandwich stealer strikes" I say looking over my shoulder.
"Hehehe whatcha gonna do about it?" He says. I fully turn around to face none other than.........................................................................................................................LEO. As he holds my sandwich mockingly, waving it around in the air, I answer his previous question by saying
"This." he opens his eyes wide as I take shape into a huge Panther. I stalk slowly towards him, he starts to sweat. I pounce on him and he curls into a ball and says.
"Please don't eat me you can have your sandwich back." Little does he know that I only pounced on the sandwich and he opened one eye only to see every one laughing at him for being scared of a girl with a sandwich.
"Hey guys I haven't seen April around here lately, where's she run off to?"
I ask between bites of pickles and cheese.
"Oh she said she went to the store." Donnie says nonchalant.
"She's been going to the store an awful lot lately." I say sounding worried.
"Hah ya well..."
"Donnie." I say in a stern voice.
"Is your relationship going down hill?."
"Tch no." Donnie said.
"Okay." I say in a ' I know your lying' tone.
"I'm gonna go patrol with Raph and Mikey." I walked out the door and ran up to Raph nodding at him. we walked into the forest and started looking for trouble. I poked Raph and winked at him then sneakily ran off into the forest. I heard Raph say in a terrified voice
"M-Mikey w-where's Rachel?"
"*gulp* I dunno dude." I took form into a timber wolf and jumped out of the bushes, growling and snarling. Mikey jumped into Raph's arms and screamed like a little girl.( see video at the top of the page) I lost form and rolled on the ground laughing my butt off! Raph was also laughing but wasn't on the ground.
"Exactly the point of scaring you." I said in between laughs. Little did we know that we were being watched.......

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