I think I'm seeing things.

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I shine my flashlight where I heard the voices, nothing, like they just vanished.
"Really miss, I advise you not to do that."replied a brave sounding voice.
"Come into the light, I want to see you." I said.
"You'll scream." said the deepish voice.
"No I won't, I promise."
"Fine, you asked for it."
"Okay okay." Then I heard three bodies drop to the floor landing on their feet. The fourth one fell and landed with a crash probably falling onto a side table or some other object. I shined the flash light around the wall finding the light switch. I flipped it on and heard scuffling on the floor probably the fourth person getting up. I turned around only to see four giant turtles! I gasped really loudly then everything went black.

I open my eyes slightly and saw someones face looking down at me. He has an orange bandana around his head.
"Mikey get away from her face, give her some air."
"Okay okay Donnie sheesh just making sure she's okay."
"*sigh* oh Mikey" I tried to get up, now fully awake. I was lying on a really uncomfortable bed.
"MOM, I had the most crazy dream there were giant talking turtles and-" I looked over at a tall purple clad turtle who was looking at me with a 'what the heck is that girl talking about' look.
"Hi, I didn't get to introduce myself, I'm Donnetello, you can call me Donnie."
" I'm Rachel."I said with a shy tone.
" Mind if I send the guys in?" I shook my head no. Donnie left the room and came back with three more turtles, they all hade different bandanas. The first one too speak up was the smallest.
"Hi I'm Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey!" He said with a silly grin on his face.
"I'm Leonardo, call me Leo. He had a blue bandana on.
" Are you named after Leonardo DaVinci?"
"Actually yes." Then the third turtle just stared with a smile on his face...Ya and he was staring at me.

Mikey waved a three fingered hand in front of the red clad turtles face.
"Earth to Raph." said Mikey. Then the most funniest thing happened Mikey slapped the red clad turtle across the face then he chased Mikey around the room, knocking over various test tubes and beakers.
"My retro-Mutagen!!!"yelled Donnie.
The red clad turtle stopped running and scratched his head saying " sorry Donnie."
"Yeah sure, how about you introduce yourself to our guest." Donnie said rather hotly with a glare on his face and hands on his hips.
"Oh uh right..." the red clad turtle turned to me and said with a cute smile on his face"Hey I'm Raphael,you can call me Raph if you want to, that is." I think he tried to say this without blushing but hey he's super cute so it doesn't matter. Mikey snickered at Raph which earned a glare.

"I'm Rachel, it's nice meeting you all."
"Do you want some pizza?" Offered Mikey with pleading eyes.
"Sure I'd love some." Mikey did a fist pump and Donnie rolled his eyes. We all walked into the living room.
"AHHHHH ANOTHER MUTANT!!!!" I exclaimed while jumping into Raph's arms, bridal style. He smiled at this and Mikey tried not to smile too hard.
"Haha no that's just April." Explained Leo. We walked over to the couch, me still in Raph's arms.
" Hi I'm April what's your name?
"I'm Rachel." I said while Raph put me down. Donnie went and sat by April and she kissed him on the cheek and Donnies eyes lit up and a smug smile spread across his lips. Mikey ran to the pizza boxes cracked one open and eating half the box in only a few seconds.

A/N: hey guys guess what I kicked Cassey jones out of this version!! But remember what I said about this being my own version so Ya! Anyway comment on who's your fav turtle and I will probably get back to you?!?!?!
Later peeps-Ces🙀🙀🙀🐔🔥❤️😋🚲🍓⚡️🌷🐇🐢🐢🐢🐢🐭🐮🐽🐯🐒🐽🐺🐮🐶=wha?!?!!??!!?!????????!???????!!!!!!!

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