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Raph's P.O.V
I open my eyes slightly to see Donnie's lab's ceiling.
"Urghhhh." I let out a groan, rubbing my head. Looking around I see Rachel sleeping on a table, my eyes widen as she has cuts and bruises all over her face and arms. I wince as I jump off the table I was laying on and hobble over to her table. With tears in my eyes I caress her beautiful face. I barely notice my annoying brothers watching me with smirks on there faces. Mikey sighs a little too loud and I look over rubbing my tear stained cheeks.
"uh hi guys I wasn't doing anything.... *sniffle*"
"Uh huh sure Raphie Cakes." Leo says in a smug tone.
"What that all about." I say crossing my arms but immediately unfold them because of my arm.
"*sigh* Rachel was mumbling that name in her sleep!" Mikey say with the biggest grin the world has ever seen on his face. My eyes widen for a minute then I start smiling like an idiot.
"Ohhhhh Raphie's got a crushy wushy!!!" Says Leo in a baby voice. Soon there all dancing around me chanting
"RAPHIE's got a crushy!" With me in the middle of the circle I start steaming the I decided to go punch a wall..... bad choice on my part because I jarred my arm and made my knuckles bleed, great more wounds. Donnie bandages them up then I hear a weak voice.
"Raphael?" I look over to Rachel's table and she's sitting up, rubbing her eyes.
"Raph what happened?" I rush over and envelope her in a hug.
"Never scare me like that again."
"Okay." Then I lean forward quickly and kiss her lips. I open my eyes and I look over to see Donnie, Leo and Mikey staring wide eyed at what just happened. I pull away and Rachel asks
"What was that for?"
"Because I missed you."
"Awww Raph I didn't know you cared."
"Hey, I care plenty! Now excuse me while I chase Mikey around for acting like an idiot." I bolted off growling at Mikey as I start chasing him around
" Dude what did I do bruh??!?!???"
"You were acting like an idiot!!!"
"but I'm always acting like an idiot!!!" I heard everyone laughing at Mikey's comment. I couldn't help but stop and laugh at him myself. Suddenly I felt famished.
"Anyone else hungry?" I ask and everyone replies with a hearty
"YESSSSSSSS." We all run to the kitchen except me and Rachel holding back. She turns to me sadness in her eyes.
"Raphael I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you or your brothers, I fell horrible, I'm a horrible pe-" I cut her off by walking up to her and kissing her again passionately. I let go and said.
" It's fine, no ones dead and most of all your okay. I don't know what to do with myself if I lost you." she looked at me with less sadness and then said.
"I can control it now Raph I figured it out. I can help you fight!" Slowly smiling I picked her up and swung her around. I glanced over at the door and saw April looking at us with a smile, then pulled her head out of the door.
"Wanna go eat?" I asked.
"Gladly." And we walked out to the kitchen.

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