There has to be an explanation!

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April's P.O.V.
I ran downstairs after my strange encounter with Rachel running straight into the lab.
"What April, what's wrong? What's happening." Donnie said with a concerned expression on his face.
"I need to talk to you right away."
"Okay okay,tell me."
"Not here."
"Okay my room then." said Donnie.
We were in Donnie's room talking I already filled Donnie in on most of what happened with Rachel.
"Wait her hands were ice cold? April I think your over thinking this, she was probably just cold."
"But Donnie I only get dizzy when there's something to do with the Kraang!"
"Good point. Want me to get a blood sample?"
"Sure, but how?"
"When she's sleeping?"
"Okay tonight, Now we have to act normal okay!"
"K." I kissed Donnie then walked out of the room. I looked around and I couldn't see Raph anywhere in fact I haven't even seen him come back from yesterday.
"Hey Leo where's Raph?"
"I don't know I've been looking all over for him!" Leo said in a panic.
" I can help you find him leo." said Rachel coming down the stairs.

Rachel's P.O.V
"Thank you so much Rachel this means a lot to me. Here let me give you a T-Phone. I forgot to give you one earlier. " said Leo.
"Thanks Leo. I'm gonna go check outside okay." I said walking to the front door." I was standing in the middle of the front yard calling" RAPH!! RAPHAEL!!!RAPH!!" I walked into the forest looking around at the tops of trees and on the ground for any signs that Raph had been here. I heard someone talking. Then yelling. I ran towards the noise.
"Who are you and why are you in my forest?"
"Hahaha so Rachel hasn't told you about me yet has she."
"Wha? You better keep your filthy hands of her!!"
"Oh I'm being threatened by a little baby turtle oh how precious."
"What!!!! You say that again I'll punch you so many times you won't know what hit you!!!" Then my feet and my voice getting the better of me, I walked out into the clearing and yelled "NOOOO ARCEUS YOU LEAVE RAPHAEL OUT OF THIS. ITS BETWEEN YOU AND ME!!!!!!"
They both turned to me Raph's eyes filling with shock and Arceus's filling with amusement.
"HAHAHAHA, Rachel you know that little experiment I tried on you well I forgot to do a little teensy little thing, and it was this." he pulled out a tranquilizer type gun thing and shot me with it in the arm. I stumbled backwards looking at my arm then at Raph his eyes were full of hate but not for me, for Arceus. The last thing I remember was seeing Raph knock out Arceus.

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