Chapter Four

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Sometimes you think you want to disappear but all you really want is to be found.

- Brian Weiner


Flowers in hand I go to the cemetery, in order to visit her.
She was murdered, without any justice being done .


I chuckle, still remembering the chaotic day we met

|Flashback |

After a few seconds of knocking on Samira Gutiérrez's door, a tanned grumpy middle aged man with a joint in his hand opens

"What do you want, kid?" he grumbles, looking me up and down with a condescending look

My mouth opens and closes several times.
What the fuck?
Am I at the wrong address?

"So? Hurry up, I don't have all day buddy".

As I was about to answer, an older version of Lena appears, she has olive skin, short and slightly wavy black hair, green eyes and the same breathtaking beauty of her daughter.

"Is this the gringo who broke my baby's little heart?" She asked arching her brow

[American/ non hispanic guy]

Gringo? What in the world is that?
And how the fuck does she know I broke Lena's heart?

"I don't know what a gringo is but I know that I broke your daughter's heart which I'm not proud of so I came here to make amends"

" I don't think so"

" Please, I won't be long"

"I said no. ¿Eres sordo o qué? "

[ Are you deaf or what?]

"I just want to make things right, Ms. Gutiérrez" I insist with pleading eyes

" Fine" she sighs in frustration "come in but if she doesn't want to see you, you're out, got it?"

I nod, entering then

" Where is she?"

" Not so fast white boy, I have something to tell you first"

" What is it?"

She gestures me to come closer and when I do she takes off the sandal she had on her foot and throws it at me. Luckily I dodge it but she takes off the other sandal and throws it at me once again and God this shit hurts like a bitch.

"The chancleta was for hurting my daughter. Don't let it happen again. You can be a billionaire all you want but that won't stop me from beating your white ass"

" Trust me Ms Gutiérrez, I won't ever break your daughter's heart again"


My heart breaks as I see Jason Martins devastated standing in front of the grave of the one who was undoubtedly the love of his life.

"Samira, I don't think it's a secret when I say that you were always stronger and more valiant than I ever was. You single-handedly raised our little Lena and I don't think I ever thanked you enough for that. I wish there was a better ending for you and I. I really do. Maybe it's life coming back at me for all the mistakes I made. And if it is, it's fucking cruel. " his lower lip trembles and a few tears fall to the ground"Perhaps in another lifetime I could love you like I wanted to and be yours. Perhaps in the afterlife I would have the chance to make amends to you properly for leaving you and abandoning you like a goddamn coward. The biggest regret of my entire life. I'm not ready to let you go, Samira, and deep down I never was." Jason looks at the sky and he puts his hand over his mouth trying to control his sobs

Feeling my own eyes water , I turn around and start to leave.
I don't deserve to be here. It's an insult to her name. I've broken my promise after all


After feeling dizzy and unable to concentrate, I was on my way back to prison but the police officer suddenly swerved the car in order to avoid the obstacle. A man in the middle of the road.

It was dark, no signal, almost no lights and for some reason I had a bad feeling. A very bad one.

"Can we go? I think we should go ."

"I should check on the man" the officer unbuckled his seatbelt, leaving me alone in the car and when I saw him get knocked out by the man in question my heart dropped.

He took the fucking keys with him!

I didn't have time to think of a plan as the assailant was already inside the car, sitting on the driver's side, the key on his bloodied hand.

Without a word, he took a syringe out of his bag and injected me with the substance contained in it.

I feel a sharp pain in my arm, my ears are ringing and immediately I feel myself relaxing on my seat.


My eyes flutter when someone turns on the light of the room.

I look around me but in vain I could not recognize this place. I had no memory of it.

What's going on?

Where did the guy go?

Where am I?

"Sleep well, Lena?" the familiar man looked down at me, gloves in hand, his smile made me want to hide in the dark with the monsters and to never get out ever and the way he looked at me made my stomach churn

"Albert?" I gasp

"So how's the baby?"


"Oh come on, you didn't really think you could hide that information from me? Did you? "

"Does Hunter know?"

"Of course not and I'm going to make sure to keep it that way."

" Are you going to hurt me? "

" You have no idea, little one" He admits, grabbing me, forcing me to get up and dragging me into a larger room where the bitch Annaliese and the fucking mayor of Paris were.

"You don't have to do this" I try to reason "Release me and I won't say anything, I swear"

"We know you won't say anything" Annaliese chuckles "that's why we're all going to have so much fun today"

"No, please. "

"Oh because you think you have a choice? The mayor is paying us a lot of money to see what we'll do to you. He gets off on stuff like this and you my dear Lena are exactly the kind of woman we need to satisfy his twisted desires " she says before calling the man who kidnapped me earlier. A man named Franky.

"Now smile for the camera".

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