Chapter Two

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1 week later

I lay down on the bed placed by the nurse and she started to apply the cold gel on my belly moving the probe she had in her other hand to examine me.

My heart skips a beat when I suddenly see something weird appear on the screen.

The nurse smiled at me and said, "It's just the baby, there's nothing to be afraid of.
The embryo you see in white is 80 millimeters long and weighs 31 grams."

"It has already started to form" I whisper

"Obviously at this stage it is formed with a face including eyes, lips, chin and mouth, fingerprints, functional kidneys, ability to urinate and a skeleton"

"You are 12 weeks along and the presumed due date would appear to be in May"

May? Delivery better be before the 21st.

No Gemini.

Oh lord don't do this to me .

No Gemini please.

"The nuchal translucency so the size of the neck is 2.8 millimeters"

"That's normal, right?"

"Yes, any nuchal translucency less than 3.5 millimeters is considered normal" she said before moving on to another area

I suck in a breath as I hear my little baby's heartbeat and tears roll down my cheeks.

Holy shit

"Normal heart rate. At this stage of their development, the heart averages between 140 and 160 beats per minute"

This is my baby.


After my echography I was brought into a huge building and was greeted by Ms Girard the judge during the trial and my lawyer.

"Hello Miss Martins, I am glad to see you again. We were not very quick to contact you but everything in its time, right? We now need your services and for that, I will leave you with the chief, he will explain you in details" Mr Delaunay, my lawyer explains

"Lena Martins, is that right?" an unfamiliar voice belonging to a man coming from the back of the room spoke

Impossible to guess his age, he was probably betwee' his thirties and forties with dark brown hair reaching his shoulders, a well-groomed beard, skin that didn't seem to have any imperfections, the first buttons of his shirt undone giving a view of his slightly hairy chest. He was perfectly dressed, no creases on his clothes, a ring with the initial A placed around his pinky finger, his index and middle fingers rested against his temple and the heel of his left leg was sitting on his right knee.

I couldn't deny that he was attractive despite the fact that I was rather intimidated by his presence

"Yes, that's right, sir," I nodded.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Josh Austerlitz, the leader, the authority, the one who gives orders and is obeyed, whatever you want to call it. We have heard about you or rather your extraordinary computer skills and this has impressed many including me. Mr. Delaunay, who is an old friend of mine, was able to convince me and I agreed to do this deal. We are very grateful that you were willing to collaborate with us. Welcome to the FIA, the federal infiltration agency.
With your excellent computer skills, you're going to have to help us take down a lot of people, steal information, compromising information about them that could send them to prison for life, documents, anything you can , even sealed videos, do what you have to do. We have all the necessary material, these men and women must be brought down, they are a threat to us, to the country."

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