Chapter Three

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the tired sunsets and the tired 
people - it takes a lifetime to die and no time at all”

Charles Bukowski



"Having a child was not part of my plan at all" my mother confesses taking a sip of her favorite bottle of cognac "when I found out I was pregnant with you I was scared shitless but I loved you unconditionally even before you were born. I saw you as my little treasure that I will cherish and care for even after death. I still remember when I announced my pregnancy to your dad, Jason. He was so happy, probably one of the happiest moment of his life. "

"If he was so happy, why did he leave without giving any news? He didn't love me that much "

She looks down, biting the inside of her cheek.

Don't get me wrong, he redeemed himself proving me his good intentions but I'm still a little bitter about all these lost years.

"Lena, if your father left it's not because he didn't love you, on the contrary it's because he loved you too much"


"What are you talking about mom? That's ludicrous "

"When you were born, your father was charmed by you, he looked at you with so much love,so much awe, it was as if there was the most beautiful diamond in the world in front of his eyes, he gave you his family name in a beat. He wanted us to be a family, he even wanted to marry me but I refused not feeling ready to take the big step and he accept my choice not doubting for one second my love. He stayed with me for the three first years and during this time, he always wanted to spoil you rotten, to take care of you as much as he possibly could . He spent his time playing with you, when he saw you smile he literally melted in front of your face. He was crazy about you. He told me about his plan to leave. We loved each other, I think he was even the love of my life but despite that we had to split up, we knew it wasn't going to work, I didn't want to live looking over my shoulder all the time. He was a businessman with a fair number of dangerous enemies and very few friends. One of his only companions and allies was Albert Johns, they had met in high school. To your father he was always a trusted friend, but I knew Albert wasn't. I remember this one time, it was while Annaliese was pregnant with Hunter, your father Jason wasn't there. Albert had been drinking quite a bit, he started hitting on me and saying shitty things about your dad. He was always jealous of everything your dad had. All his success, all his accomplishments, all his well owned money . Then Albert came to me afterwards to apologise and blamed it on the alcohol but I knew that deep down there was some truth in what he said.  I never told your father about Albert and that night, I never had the courage. He'd be hurt to know about his friend's thoughts but he would have killed him if he knew the way Albert tried to come on to me. Your father was never the kind of man to be afraid for his life but he was afraid for mine and for yours, nobody knew he had a child but he knew it was only a matter of time before it became known, he knew your life could be threatened, so he decided to put us in a safe place where nobody could find us and leave, fearing  that something might happen to you, he thought that by moving away from you he was keeping you out of danger. Believe me it hurt him to be separated from you, on his last day with us I remember him holding you in his arms with tears in his eyes, I felt like his tears would never stop. I thought he was dysfonctionning and that I had to put him in rice like people like to say these days " she laughs wiping a tear I had not seen fall " I could feel his pain as he said your name for the last time, he trembled as he placed a kiss on your forehead. He didn't leave you to hurt you, he left so that you could live the most peaceful life possible, he wanted you to be happy even if it meant disappearing from your life. He thought it was the best thing for you even if it wasn't necessarily the case . I never blamed him for that, he did what he thought was right. I understood him in a way. He made a mistake and you can't blame him for that, I made mistakes too. He tried to be a good father. His decisions were just the result of his blind love for you."

Ellipse of 4 months

Adam's jumpsuit was wet from my tears and crumpled from the way I clung to it as I sobbed into his chest while he gently stroked my hair as way to comfort me.

"She's dead, my mother is dead," I whisper caressing mindlessly my 6 month pregnant belly .

"Oh Lena, I... "

"Today was supposed to be her birthday"

"Shit" he closes his eyes shut

"Albert, he killed my mother, he took her from me. Putting me in prison didn't satisfy him, he felt the urge to take her away from me."

"Are you sure it's him? "

"Who else? "

"The dusty old hag."


" The son of a bitch's wife "

"Annaliese? no, not her" I shake my head " she considers herself too high to even think about getting blood on her hands. I'm not even sure if she cleans her ass on her own, she might be as well assisted"

At that we both chuckle

"Listen" he grabs my face in his hands and presses his forehead to mine looking me straight in the eye "I'd be lying if I said I knew what you were going through, what you were feeling, I don't. I've never had to lose a single thing. I've never had to lose someone valuable to me and I hope I never do. However, I can assure you that I will always be by your side even when we are out of this prison. I even promise to help you. Those fucking assholes are going to pay, they're going to pay for every drop of blood they've spilled, every tear they've made you shed, every penny they've stolen and more. Trust me."

Feeling unable to give him a verbal answer, I simply nodded instead


AN : Wrote this chapter really late so there might a few spelling mistakes but I'll edit it when I fully wake up.

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