Chapter Twenty One

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Wild hearts deserve strong lovers

- John Mark Green


I've always felt a sense of unease within the opulent walls of the Johns mansion, a feeling that had grown into a suffocating weight in the wake of what happened to Lena and her death did nothing but make it worse .

Knowing the truth about the owners, about Albert and Annaliese and  their role in Lena's suffering, made every ornate detail of the mansion's interior feel like a mocking reminder of the injustice she had endured . The air felt thicker here, tainted with the guilt , and with each passing day, I found it increasingly difficult to breathe, let alone live under the same roof as those who had caused my best friend so much trauma and pain no one could even imagine .

My  decision to leave wasn't made on a whim; it was the culmination of countless sleepless nights, of wrestling with my  conscience, and of the realization that staying any longer would be tantamount to condoning what had happened. I knew I  couldn't change the past, but I could choose where I stood in the present. The Johns had made an appearance in my life when i needed the most and i won't ever forget that but i will also never stand with these cold blooded murderers . My loyality stands with one and unique person and that is Lena Martins .

Even after death .

I quietly  packed my belongings, each item a step closer to reclaiming my sense of integrity.Before leaving, I did one last thing – I left the rent money in advance on the kitchen counter. It wasn't because I owed the Johns anything, but rather a final gesture to sever all ties, a way to leave without owing these bastards anything, not even a penny.

Driving away from the mansion, I felt relief, certainly,, but also a deep-seated anger and sadness for all that had happened. The road ahead was uncertain, and the nearest hotel was just a temporary solution, but for the first time in a long while, it felt like I was taking a breath of fresh air.


The room i had taken was modest, but it offered  something no amount of luxury could—peace. I walked over to the soft white bed, its plainness a comforting contrast to the extravagance I had grown accustomed to, and I sit  down, allowing the weight of my body to sink into the mattress.

In the quiet of the room, with the evening light casting long shadows on the walls, My mind wandered back to a time that seemed both like yesterday and a lifetime ago

The day I met Lena wasn't marked by any peculiar event or premonition that something life-changing was about to happen. In fact, it was quite the opposite; I was at the beach trying to clear my head, to escape the clutter and noise that seemed to follow me everywhere. Walking along the shoreline, my thoughts were a million miles away, lost in the sound of the crashing waves and the rhythmic pattern of my footsteps in the sand. I was so caught up in my own world that I didn't see her until it was too late.

I bumped into her, quite literally, and the shock of the collision pulled me back to reality. There she was, trying to gather herself, a look of embarrassment painting her features as she scrambled to get up. In her hands, she clutched a notebook, its pages fluttering in the sea breeze, revealing a gloomy drawing that stood in stark contrast to the serene beauty of the beach around us.

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, I found myself holding back laughter at the sight of her, not out of mockery but from a sudden, inexplicable amusement  that bubbled up at the sight of her disarray. I extended my arm to help her up, a gesture of goodwill that somehow ended with me tumbling down next to her.

"Lena Martins," she smiled "I hope it's not a bad habit of yours to just bump and throw off balance the people who you come across."she had joked trying to infuse the moment with some humor to ease her embarrassment,

"No, just you," I  retorted, with a mix of apology and mischief

It might sound like the corniest thing ever but there  was something about her, something indescribably compelling that drew me in from that very first encounter . I had never been in love with her or thought about her in that way , she was my best friend but i did consider i had found my soulmate .

I can't help but smile

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