Chapter Twelve

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People write because no one listens”


3 weeks later

"Ma'am, Lewis Martins is waiting for you in the visiting room."




What do I do?
I can't just show up.

My wounds still hadn't healed and my bruises had turned yellow, you didn't have to be a genius to know it wasn't pretty and I doubt he'd believe me if I told him I'd hit my head or had a bad fall.

My brother wasn't very talkative and he was far from being an idiot, he was always a good observer but if there was one thing I hated about him it was his ability to read me, to see through my lies, he knew me maybe even better than I did.

That's why I walk with my heart strongly beating against my ribcage in the visiting room where I immediately spot my brother's familiar dark gaze following my every movement.

When I finally sit down across from him, there is silence, a pin could have fallen in the room and I could have heard it.
"It's good to see you, brother."

"Really, Lena?"


"I've been trying to come see you for weeks and this is the first thing you tell me?"

"I was going through some stuff, I needed some time and space."

"There's something you're not saying"

"What makes you think that? "

"I'm holding tabs on you. I know that the loss of your baby was not a minor miscarriage, I know that you disappeared for 5 weeks, that you were found a little over 3 weeks ago but still you don't look like you've been eating much and the yellowing bruise on your temple tells me that it's from the time you disappeared or should I say were kidnapped? "

"I... "I open my mouth and close it again.

He was well informed and I didn't have the strength to lie to him.

"I don't know the details, I don't know who's behind it, but I have my little idea in my head."

Tears gloss over my eyes

Does he know more?

"I understand that you wanted to take up space, I would never blame you for that, but lying to me and hiding things from me while looking me straight in the eye, Lena? I'm disappointed."

My heart aches at her confession.
I disappointed my brother

"I'm sorry, I had to" I whisper

"You had to or you wanted to?"

"No I had to, I didn't mean to drag you or anyone into my mess"

"Fuck that shit, Lena. I'm ready to fight for you, to kill for you but you don't tell me what I need to know, I can't do anything"

"I don't want you to get your hands dirty for me"

"Oh you're cute" he chuckles almost quietly "my hands are already dirty and well scarred so what one more  or one  less death will change ? Hm?"



" Let someone fight for you, protect you for once"

"I appreciate your kind offer but it's not your battle."

"Just give me a name and I'll take care of it"

Lena Martins Where stories live. Discover now