Chapter Seven

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The look of pure devastation on his face, on their faces was like a wound reopening.

No words were exchanged, they all gave me a hug and then I asked to be alone and the look they gave me was exactly the same as the nurse's. They looked at me as if I was a fragile little thing that could break at any moment but that's not what I was or was it?

Maybe deep down it was a bit true and I couldn't stand it.

Every little thing upset me, made me burst into tears.

I was sensitive, vulnerable, weak.

The exact opposite of what I promised myself to be.

I hate feeling like this and I wanted it to stop, to stop everything but that would mean giving up. Giving up on me. Giving up on everything.

In less than a month I had lost my mother, my baby and myself.

The next two months seemed like routine. Every day looked the exact same.

There was a mole in the FIA who had caused my kidnapping and therefore the loss of my baby but he still hadn't been found. Part of me wanted to be angry about this but I didn't even have the strength. It was as if I had become a shadow of my former self which is, if I may say so, pathetic.

Mr Austerlitz had asked a better protection for me but in my opinion there was no point if the rat was still free , it could be anyone. 

During this time I had very little contact with Greg and my family but I knew that my brothers were very close to the truth.

My father much less so, he would never suspect that his long time friend could have betrayed him like that, that's one of his biggest problems. He sees too much of the good in everyone, without seeing the threats they hide, I guess it's a flaw I inherited from him.

The pain never faded and I think that even with the years it will never go away, it will always be with me in a corner of my head, nothing will allow me to forget it, I don't think I want to.

Not a day goes by that I don't think about what could have been, the possibility. I will always wonder but I will never know the answer.

Night had fallen long ago, everyone was sleeping but me and I found comfort in the quiet.

Suddenly I heard a small noise, it was as if something had fallen. I was about to go back to sleep but I got up when I saw that our cell was wide open.

I get out of the cell, which was certainly one of the biggest regrets of my life because I come face to face with a face that I never thought I would see again, that I never wanted to see again.

The same man who had kidnapped me 3   months ago.


My heart leapt, paralysed by fear, it was impossible for me to move, with the lack of reaction, in the next second I received a punch in the face that was enough to knock me out, it was with despair that I was dragged to the ground helplessly. No screaming, no crying, nothing, as if my throat was sealed.

It's happening again, once more.



50 hours later 

The dark lead of my pencil crashes against my notebook as I tried once again to journal but since Lena's disappearance it was a huge failure, as each time no words were left on the page, a shaky breath escapes from between my lips as a tear then another and another one accumulates on the paper without me being able to control it.

The urge to fully break down overcomes me but I quickly wipe away any trace of saline when I spot a guard at my cell.

"Follow me" he orders.
"Be good and listen to what I say will you? I don't want to be here any longer." he sighs

My feet follow the man's steps but my brain, my mind was somewhere else, outside this prison.

Where is Lena? What are they doing to her? It was obvious to me that these dogs were having fun torturing her, breaking her a little more, they like to see the harm they cause, it gets them off. 

I wasn't the type to pray to God, I never believed in him, all the evil and despair I was victim of made me lose faith but fuck if he really exists on this earth I would be ready to pray for my Lena so she could overcome all this suffering. My heart was breaking every time I saw her eyes that were once so full of life lose their glow and gradually become empty.

I regain my composure when we are in the elevator.

I don't know what surprised me more.

The fact that there is an elevator in prison or that it is still in working order.

When the doors of the elevator open, you enter a room with a window giving a perfect view of the prison, you could see the prisoners who seemed like ants that you could crush with your feet. I had the feeling that I was on top of the world but that's not what attracted my attention. Not only were my three friends sitting in leather chairs, but there was also another man, definitely not a prisoner, I could tell watching at the latest Rolex on his wrist

What the fuck is happening?

"All of you are probably wondering why a guy like me is in a place like this."

No shit.

When no one answers he continues
"I'm Josh Austerlitz, boss of the FIA, the federal infiltration agency"

"FIA? What the fuck do you have to do with us" Bill looks Austerlitz up and down, examining him with his crossef arms

"We have no connection with you, you are of no importance to us however I can't say the same about Miss Martins"

His statement gains everyone attention.

"What are you talking about? "

"She was required to keep this information confidential but this is not something that I can hide to you anymore. Your friend Lena works with us and for a little more than 48 hours she has disappeared without us being able to track her down"

"What?" Adam frowned.

"I said she was required to..."

"I heard you the first time" he scowls

"So..." I clear my throat then getting everyone's attention "did you find her, is she with you?"

"No" he deadpans


"I came here to warn you. Be vigilant. One of the guards here is a rat who reports everything to Albert and Annaliese so a traitor. Sooner or later he will be found but watch your backs, they could get stabbed at any moment."

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