Chapter One

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I blinked several times trying to get used to the light around me.

The setting was different, very different from my cell and none of my friends seemed to be there.

"Where am I? "I asked in panic as a figure approached.

"You are in the infirmary, you have been brought there by your kind fellow inmates following a faintness . For the moment I have only detected a little fever, a slightly high blood pressure and a normal high heart rate. Have you experienced any strange symptoms. lately? "

"Well I have felt headaches and a metallic taste in my mouth , in fact I woke up with one . I am sensitive to smells, I sometimes feel nauseous and I have also felt quite painful abdominal cramps"

" When was your last period"

Why is she asking me this?

" If you don't answer the question I can't help you, Ms"

" I - uh 1 month and a half ago , I think"

Oh shit, is it going where I think it is....

" Last time you had non protected sexual intercourse ?"

" 2 months ago ? I'm not sure "

"Alright, it seems like the symptoms you describe and the lack of menstruation lead me to believe that you are pregnant, it could be something else but to be sure I will make you take two pregnancy tests, do you know how it works?"

"No, not really."

" Well, the first pregnancy test is shaped like a stylus and it is placed directly under the urine stream. After about 3 minutes the result appears in the form of colored lines, if there is one line you are not pregnant and if there are two you are. The second pregnancy test is in the form of a strip that will be placed in a recipient where your urine will be contained. Let's take advantage of the fact that it is the morning to do it knowing that it is the best time of the day to do a test. "


2 fucking tests later, I stare at the two lines thinking I'm hallucinating.

I'm positive. I'm pregnant in prison. I have a baby in my belly. I have a human being inside me. Well it's technically not human yet since it's just a clump of cells, it takes approximately 24 weeks so 6 months for a baby to have fully developed organs.

Whatever I'm going to be a mom.

What the fuck do I do?

I want to cry.

"Would you like to let the baby's father know? "she asked hesitantly

"No" I almost choke on my saliva "there's no need, he's not really in the picture anyway"

" okay" she puts a yellow bracelet around my wrist " this bracelet is only given to pregnant women, when you go to the dining hall you will be served a different meal than the others, a more appropriate one "

"Thank you".

"You can go back to your cell and don't forget to come to see me again for an ultrasound to determine the date of pregnancy, so we can know how many months along are you ".

"I plan on it" I offer her a little smile before leaving the room and returning to my cell as soon as possible.

The fucking bastard impregnated me.

He wasn't a bastard when has fucking my brains out though

|Flashback |
Third person POV
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