Chapter Six

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My eyes were burning and I was easily irritated right now like probably the rest of my 3 friends , I was anxiously biting my thumb and my vision became blurry as my tears began to flow.

We had been awake for over 15 hours, worried sick about Lena's sudden disappearance, and spent the whole day looking for her, even threatening other inmates thinking they would know something, but to no avail.

No one knew shit, contrary to what we thought none of them would have had fun going after her, they are not stupid enough to even think about it, they all knew here that if they were found they were dead men.

We're not afraid to get our hands dirty for our friend, we're already in jail, what do we have to lose after all?

Our freedom? Yes maybe but Lena was worth putting it on the line, she mattered far more than that.

Loud footsteps following the clinking of keys are heard and each of us stops whatever we were doing now more alert than ever.

I had no idea what time it was but I knew it was far too early for a guard to be making his rounds. He should be at home, sleeping comfortably on his nice soft bed, not already in this shithole.

My heart stopped for a few seconds when the guard in question stopped at our cell, a battered and bloodied Lena on his arm, her eyes barely able to stay open because of the dirty shiner that had no place in being there.

The man throws her body inside the cell not giving a single fuck about the awful state of our Lena.

When he notices that we were watching the scene, we see him almost sprint out of the room, leaving the corridor as if his life depended on it.

Without hesitation I rush over to her, cradling her in my arms, looking at her more closely and being able to see her physical state better. I delicately caress her tear stained cheeks before lifting her, getting her to bed. A whimper slips past her lips and she clutches her belly trying to speak "my baby" she closes her eyes shut.

"Your baby? " Adam repeated a slight tremor in his voice

"I lost it , I wasn't strong enough, they killed it" she mutters not daring to look at any of us as if it would hurt her . As if she feared what she would see.

None of us dared to open our mouths probably too overwhelmed by the shock , the only thing we could hear were the broken sobs of our friend and God I swear I could feel by own heart break in pieces.

What were we supposed to say to a woman who had just lost her child?

Nothing could make her feel better. We all know it's not comfort she wants. It won't change anything.

All she wants is for us to be there with her and that's what we're going to do.



If I thought there was nothing worse than experiencing life in prison I was far from the truth.

This morning I had to go to the nurse to get tested as well as to get my wounds treated, she gave me an assessment of my damage, also telling me about my miscarriage but I couldn't bear to hear it. And the pitying look on her face? That was the worst thing possible.

It was hard to be there knowing my baby wasn't, knowing it was my fault.

And if that wasn't bad enough, visitors had been allowed into the infirmary.

My best friend Greg, my two brothers, and my father were standing in front of me and I was not ready to tell them something I hadn't even come to terms with .

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