Chapter Nine

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It's like drowning but you just won't fucking die


Tonight, the surroundings were deserted and it was excruciatingly quiet unlike usual leaving me with the impression that I was the only one here.

Suddenly, the door of what could be called "my room" opened, revealing one of  Albert men, mainly there to discipline us under the orders of their boss.

I gulped, feeling my heart beat strongly against my chest, unease made its way to my stomach sensing that this was not a courtesy call

"No please, I was good" I whisper in a shaky breath feeling a lump in my throat 

"Apparently not good enough" he approaches me, grabbing me by the wrist roughly and dragging me to the farthest room of the facility where I was tied to a wooden chair once again facing a camera with a flashing red light.

Feeling anxious because of the resurfacing memories, I try to take deep, slow breaths, fixing my attention on my feet but it wasn't enough to calm me down because when I see the 3 people I've grown to hate the most walk in, it's like I've been hit in the face . Albert, Annaliese and May with this familiar cynical glint in their eyes.

"Long time no see" Annaliese approaches me not leaving me time to retort, sticking something on both of my pectorals.

A few seconds later I am startled by a sudden high-pitched noise coming from behind me.

Despite my restraints I managed to turn my head and saw an electroshock device which was enough to make my blood run cold.

"What are you going to do with that?" I whispered, already knowing the answer to my question

Silence, nothing but looks full of malice.

I knew my fate but I don't even try to get out of this situation , it would be a waste of energy and moreover it would be stupid .

I suffered like a weakling.
I suffered the electric shock sent to my body, my body that felt as if it was on fire trying to cling to what it could but it hurt, much too much, it was difficult for me to see or even to hear anything surrounding me but I had absolutely no doubt that my three tormentors were taking great pleasure in torturing me.

I had this urge to close my eyes and finally find peace and as I was about to do so, they stopped, giving me momentary hope but it was broken in the next 5 minutes when they started again and again for what could have been 30 minutes as well as several hours . No matter how hard I screamed nobody heard me and even if somebody had, they wouldn't come to help me, they valued their lives too much for that and I could not blame for that.


"Adam they are going to find her , we're all enraged that she's been taken but it's not a reason to act like such a pain in the ass, it's exhausting " Zayn tries to reason the oldest of the group but it doesn't seem to do the wanted effect on him.

"Oh I'm being a pain in the ass?" he scoffs

" Yes" All his friends reply in unison not hesitating for one second

" Well no shit" he snaps raising his voice "it's been two fucking weeks since Lena disappeared and we don't know shit!" We don't know if she's okay, if she's alive where she is, we don't know a single thing ! Don't you realize that? Because I don't think you do  "

"I know that but .... "

" But nothing" he interrupts Zayn " I don't think you truly understand  how much danger she's in while we're locked up in this cell unable to do anything . No progress from Austerlitz, nothing. He's just a useless pretty face who doesn't seem to have found anything .  We'll probably never see our Lena again. The FIA has not even been able to identify their mole, do you realize that? Do you think those incompetents will manage to find out where our friend is? Do you think we can count on them? Yes I'm a pain in the ass and I'm sorry for that but I'm worrying for my friend. I'm angry that nothing seems to happen. Anything  might  happen to her. What if it's too late when she's found? What if she's .... " His voice cracks in  mid-sentence and he closes his eyes as tears run down his cheek.

He was crying. Something that hadn't happened in years, if not ever.

Adam was used to being very controlled in every single of his actions but today was the day he allowed himself not to , he had never raised his voice at any of his heart brothers before and he felt horrible  for doing so, he had never allowed himself to cry as if it made him less strong when it was far from the truth. He rarely got angry, one would have thought that these kind of  emotions were not part of his world.

Lena had changed that, she had awakened something in him, but what? He doesn't even know himself . His heart was hard to penetrate however the young brunette had succeeded to do it with an ease that would have scared him but he was far from being scared of her or the power she had on him. She mattered to him and to the rest of the friend group even if they hadn't expressed it to her very often. Their actions spoke way more than their words.

Without another word Bill, Jay and Zayn hug him, their own tears surfacing.


"I don't trust you" Lena looks at Bill out of the corner of her eye, suspicious of the far too friendly man. How could she not be suspicious, within a week someone had tried to murder her?

"I can let you stab me to prove myself to you."

This man has issues, she thought shaking her head pretty amused.

"Okay creepy guy"

"Okay to stabbing me?"

"What? No! Okay as in I'll eat at your table, I have nothing better to do so why not? " she stood up, following the man to his table even though she felt she shouldn't trust him so easily

"Ah and by the way my name is not creepy guy, sweetheart it's Bill Carter, you?"

"Lena Martins, now where's the food? I hungry "

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