Chapter Sixteen

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" So what did we have to talk about? "

" You're dead " Jay states .

What ?

"It's not the moment to joke around "

" Your dad has recognized a cadaver and confirms it's yours "

Unasked questions lingered on the tip of my tongue but found no voice

an image of an almost unrecognizable body, full of burns, with a green pendant and the initials L.M. was displayed on Josh's computer.

The nurse

" It's the corpse of the nurse that helped us escape , i gave her this pendant before leaving but this doesn't make any sense , my father would have asked to do DNA tests to be sure . "

" That's the best thing that could happen " Josh smiles " it's going to avoid us a lot of shit and paperwork . Nobody has to know that Lena Martins is alive , not even your family . To the world you're dead in that fire incident . "

What about Greg ? My brothers ? My father ?

I can't do that to them .

" I can't hide forever "

" Yes you can and you will as long as it needed even if it means keeping yourself hidden forever . It's part of the job "

" I never signed for this "

" Well now you don't have a choice , it's either that or being thrown to the wolf .As far as you are concerned, it is no longer possible for you to remain on French territory. I will take care of your transfer to the United States, you will have new identities with new names, new passports and a new life, all the money you need, but you will still be affiliated with us. The FIA works with the GSD, the general spying department, who will take you under their wings once you get there.  "

" How long will we stay here ? "

" Atleast until the end of your serving time but nothing is guaranteed , if we don't have enough proof to destroy Albert Johns , it might take longer . "

" When do we start ? "

" Everything will be ready in one week "

" Does anyone else knows about this ?"

" Yes , David Delaunay and the judge of your trial , Judge Girard had to be informed due to legal reasons "

The sound slices through the stillness of the room—a sharp, insistent trill that seems both alien and familiar in the quiet space. It starts as a gentle intrusion, a series of electronic notes that quickly swell into an urgent call, demanding attention.

Each ring seems to echo, bouncing off the walls and filling the space with a sense of immediacy.

" It's David , i have to take it " Josh excuses himself and disappears for a few minutes before coming back in the room

His posture was rigid , an excessive seriousness etched on his face

" What's going on , Josh ? "

" David has just informed me that your father is planning your funeral "

" You mean that my dad is going to bury a corpse that's not even mine ?

" Yes , basically "

Ridiculous .

Laughter erupted , It was an uncontrollable, infectious laughter that spread like wildfire, each one of us a contributor to the roaring blaze.

Josh , usually the composed one, laughed with a abandon, his eyes sparkling with tears, the sound bright and clear, a bell-like peal that rang true and free.

Lena Martins Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora