Chapter Thirty Nine

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La douleur exquise
(n.) the heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable


I head to the store to buy flowers, candy, and a teddy bear for Riley, a little girl I met six months ago at the hospital. She has leukemia, but that doesn't stop her from being one of the most cheerful and spirited child I've ever met. She always has stories to share, her eyes lighting up with excitement. It's moments like these that almost make me forget the gravity of her illness.

Despite her condition, Riley is constantly worrying about me. She has this uncanny ability to sense when I'm troubled. We've formed a bond over time and she's like the little sister I never had. I've even told her about Sacha, and she already adores her. I've promised Riley that she will meet her one day, a promise that gives her something to look forward to.

I get into my car with a smile, thinking about the joy on Riley's face when she sees her gifts. But that smile quickly fades

My instincts have always been sharp, honed by years of training and experience. The moment i saw Fatima—or Fanny, or Florence—whatever her name was . As she slinked away into the shadows, my mind raced.

What the fuck does she want ?

I needed to stay sharp, to be one step ahead.

When the car didn't start, my senses went into overdrive. The rhythmic ticking sound coming from the dashboard was the final confirmation that something was seriously wrong. Every second counted. I had to act fast.

The doors were locked .

Fuck no .

Instinctively ,i used my elbow to smash the driver's side window, ignoring the sharp pain as shards of glass sliced into my  flesh. There was no time to dwell on the injuries.

I had to get out of here.

Adrenaline surged through my veins as i crawled out of the car, feeling the jagged edges of glass tearing at my  skin. I moved as quickly as my battered body would allow, trying to distance myself from the vehicle. Each second felt like an eternity.

And then, the explosion. The force of the blast lifted me off the ground, throwing me several meters away. My body hit the pavement hard, pain radiating from every part of my being. For a moment, the world went silent. All i could hear was the deafening ring in my ears.

My vision blurred, but I fought to stay conscious. I couldn't afford to pass out now. I had to survive. For Riley, for Sacha, for myself . The smell of burning fuel and the sound of crackling flames reached my senses, grounding me in the reality of the situation. I had narrowly escaped death, but i wasn't out of danger yet.

With great effort, I  managed to push myself onto my knees. My hands, bloody and torn, trembled as I tried to steady myself . The world swayed around me , but I forced myself to focus. I needed to get help.

Every movement was a struggle. I stumbled to my feet, using a nearby lamppost for support. The pain was excruciating, but I gritted my teeth and took a step forward, then another. I had to keep moving.



Giovanni's voice is so gentle

Okay something was up


He looks everywhere but at me.

"Is something wrong?"

He hesitates.

"Giovanni," my voice grows firmer.

Lena Martins Where stories live. Discover now